Once I start losing the weight will I stop wetting the bed?

I am a 51 year old woman with sleep apnea. I have used a C-PAP Unit for about 6 years. I have had a hysterectomy and I have a large ventral hernia. During the pass 3 years due to my weight. I've had a problem with night time incontinecy. I wear the adult diapers to bed. I am wondering if this will go away once I start losing weight after the surgery? Right now I am pre-op my surgical consult appointment is scheduled in September. But I don't wait that long for the answer. Thanks Anne    — Aynikaye (posted on June 25, 2003)

June 25, 2003
Anne, I know that losing the excess weight helps with stress incontinence. I don't know, and haven't ever read, about night time incontinence being related to weight, but you might want to search the library. Hope that helps. Good luck. Cheryl
   — Cheryl M.

June 25, 2003
not something I discussed with anyone prior to surgery, but post-op - I no longer wet the bed. On an average, I'd wet (not leak, but full go) at least 2 or 3 times a week. Poor hubby. I offered to sleep in a separate bed but he refused. Anyway! I haven't had one accident since about month 4. The weight of my stomach must have been contributing to it.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 26, 2003
I no longer have stress incontinence since my Lap RNY, and it ws really bad before. Hope this helps.
   — kultgirl

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