I need some help with Iron.........

   — Kim W. (posted on June 14, 2003)

June 14, 2003
My Dr. prescribed iron pills for me. Thay are soft gelcaps. Ask your Dr about that. Good Luck to you.
   — KellyJeanB

June 14, 2003
I'm 10 weeks post op from open RNY. I was taking Iron pills before surgery for mild one point I took 325mg 3x a day. I continued to take the same round green Iron pill after surgery, just once a day now. About a month out I had a CBC done becuase I had cellulitis in my leg and my hemaglobin was a 12!!! Which is the highest I can ever remember it I believe my body is able to absorb the Iron.
   — Sarahlicious

June 14, 2003
The only place I've been able to find the correct kind of iron is at I haven't been able to find it all locally and have even asked local pharmacies to order it and they were unable to get it.
   — Want2bslim

June 14, 2003
unless your surgeon has told you to take iron, don't worry about it. They don't usually put you on it unless your labs come back with low iron levels. There is such a thing as having too much iron. I agree with the other poster in that vitalady will have the kind you need. It is hard to find.
   — Delores S.

June 14, 2003
The only pill that comes in 150mg elemental iron is Niferex (or a generic). It's a capsule, about the same size as a Tylenol, and unless you have a stricture, it should slide right down. As always, iron is taken with vit C, not with dairy or caffiene, nor other vites, minerals or meds.
   — vitalady

June 14, 2003
Hi Kim ~ I buy the 150mg iron capsules from Michelle Curran and they are great! I have had no problems with my iron levels at all, and they are very very easy to swallow. Good luck Tuesday! Denise 316/153
   — lily1968

June 14, 2003
Fumarate at Eckerd Drugs, look for Your Life brand, it is a red and white bottle. Easy to swallow, no constipation, no need to crush. My iron levels are good.
   — Dana S.

June 19, 2003
I have heard that usually most people wait until they need extra iron before they take it as well. They sell Iron Fe-Tinic, generic for Niferix, 100 capsules for $19.99 At WLS Success, the link is in my profile.
   — Saxbyd

June 19, 2003
some people (like me) have an excess of iron in their system and it's not advisable to take extra. Too much iron in the system CAN have hazardous results. I always suggest that people check with their docs before taking an iron supplement because I know how bad it can turn out.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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