ANYONE WITH CARDIOMYOPATHY (weakened/enlarged heart) HAVE WLS?

Has anyone had cardiomyopathy and been approved for RNY? If so, what did your dr. require? Were you approved by insurance very easily? Thanks!    — duane B. (posted on June 5, 2003)

June 5, 2003
I am 61 days pre-op, and I have cardiomyopathy (blood clot on my lower left venticle of my heart) I have seen a cardiologist for years, and my cardiologist did alot of tests and finally gave me surgery clearance. My cardiologist said that the stress my weight was putting on my heart was dangerous, he felt that the weight loss would be better all around for my heart. My pcp did not include my cardiomyopathy in the co-mobilities listed to the insurance company, I have had a heart attack, two strokes that left me blind on the left side of both eyes, high blood pressure, thyroidism, hypertention, type II insulin dependent diabetic, with a BMI of 50, that is what my insurance approved my WLS. My surgeon told me he would do the surgery even though I am a high risk surgery because of my heart, what is great, my surgeon was a heart surgeon before he changed to WLS. I think you need to find a surgeon that will do high risk surgeries, and have your pcp put the referral in to your insurance to see that surgeon, once you see the surgeon he will determine if he will do the surgery, he may want you to have a cardiologist give you a surgery clearance. Hope this helps, if you have any questions you would like to ask me, read my profile, and email me at [email protected].
   — cindy

June 5, 2003
Hi, I have Cardiomyopathy, my heart came back Thank You Jesus, to 65, I was approved in april, still waiting on a date for wls. I had no problems getting approved. Melanie Edwards
   — MelanieEdwards

June 5, 2003
Hi. I also had Cardiomyopathy. As a child I had Hyperthroidism which starting at 18 months old used to put me in heart failure. They found my thyroid problem when I was 8. I was on 6 different meds for the Cardiomyopathy and high blood pressure. My doc made me get a surgery clearence from my cardio doc. My cardio doc did a stress echo and gave me the okay. From the day of surgery I no longer had to take any meds. In surgery the Anest. Doc put an IV into my artery and monitored my heart. I woke up in ICU because the Anest Doc felt I should be there just as a precaution, and my doctor said he didn't feel like getting into it with him. I did this surgery just to be healthy again. At 13 months post-op I've lost 115 pounds. You hang in there!
   — Donna W.

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