Has anyone had surgery with triglycerides at 4200 and chlosterol over 500?

My doctor cancelled my surgery on Mar 14th because of this and I'm glad he did. I could have died on the table. I'm rescheduled for sometime in July along with my husband. I just want anyone who has these readings for their blood to wait even though their doctor's say it will be okay. Thanks to all who said prayers for me. Claire    — gramof3 (posted on March 17, 2003)

March 17, 2003
Absolutely NOT! The facility where I work requires that your triglycerides be under 500 before surgery.
   — Lynette B.

March 17, 2003
WOW, hasn't your Pcp been monitoring your cholestrol? the normal ranges for triglycerides is 50-250MG/DL,HDL 45-150MG/DL, LDL 50-145, and total cholestrol under 200 is desireable. There are quite a few drugs on the market to lower your cholestrol, LIPITOR, ZOCOR, Hopefully your PCP will get you on meds good luck on your journey, and getting your cholestrol under control.
   — wizz46

March 17, 2003
I have to second the poster below -- your PCP should have been treating your lipids long ago. My readings weren't nearly that high, but after exercise and a low-fat, high-fiber diet did nothing to budge my cholesterol, my PCP prescribed Lipitor. my readings went to normal in three months, with no side effects. Of course, we are all different, and your mileage may vary. The point is, there are treatments available, and you need to start ASAP.
   — Kasey

March 17, 2003
I agree. Your PCP should have you on some cholesterol lowering drug. I was on Pravachol pre-op. The good news is that I took my last dose the day before my surgery. In January my PCP drew blood and all my lipids were way into normal ranges. I was delighted!
   — garw

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