Zoloft Problems Post Op, Anyone Else?

Hi. I had lap RNY 10/25/02, and have lost 59 lbs. so far. My doctor upped my Zoloft to 100mg per day, because it just seemed to not be working. Well it still seems to not be working and now I'm tired all the time and have no energy. All I want to do is sleep. Could that be from the Zoloft? Also, my sex drive has gone from not very much to non existant? I also feel that I am losing slow, could that be the Zoloft as well? I am going to call my doctor Monday to make an appoinment, but just thought I would see if I could get any feedback first. Thanks for all your support. Steph    — Stephenie B. (posted on February 8, 2003)

February 8, 2003
When I was taking zoloft and it quit working-I slept all the time, cried a lot, and did not even want to get out the bed for a thing at all not even to eat!
   — cathywalden

February 8, 2003
I too take zoloft, but have found that it causes me to not be able to sleep, and to have weird dreams...both of which are know side effects. However, I HAVE read that zoloft causes people to gain weight, so it might be contributing to your slow loss.
   — thekatinthehat

February 8, 2003
Hi, Those can be side affects of zoloft. After surgery I went back to the psych who did my eval. We added welbutrin to the zoloft. They do not interact with each other. It has really helped. He gave me a graph which shows the different areas of the brain that the two work on. They do different things. For me, this combination has proven to be really perfect. I know we are all different...but you might want to speak to your doctor about trying this. Good luck
   — Maureen R.

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