Hi All, Anyone less than 4 mo. Post op have their gall bladder removed?

I am three months post op (open RNY)today, and ended up in the ER last week for horrible abdominal pain. It turned out to be my gall bladder, and my doctor just informed me that I have to have it removed ASAP. I'm scared to death. I do not want to have anymore surgery!! I called my doctor, and they were surprised because I have been on ACTIGALL, which is supposed to prevent this. They said this was definately a first. Has anyone else gone through this? Is there any option other than having it removed? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 247/195    — Stacy T. (posted on February 5, 2003)

February 5, 2003
I had my gall bladder surgery 8 years ago. It was easy compared to lap-RnY. I had my WLS 10/9/02.
   — Wanda R.

February 5, 2003
My surgeon had me get an ultrsound of my gallbladder as part of my pre-op testing. It showed I had stones, and although I've never had problems he is going to remove it when I have my 5 days! He said that after gastric bypass patients have an increased risk of gall bladder problems so since I already had stones he didn't want me to end up having another surgery while still recovering.
   — Sarahlicious

February 5, 2003
I had WLS on 10/9/02 and 5 weeks later had to take that trip myself to the ER and ended up in surgery for my gall bladder. Wish i would of had it removed along with my bypass.

February 5, 2003
I had to have my Gall Bladder removed exactly 3 weeks after my RNY surgery. I too was taking Actigal, but, 2 weeks after my RNY I started getting very bad nauseau that would not go away. I had it 24/7. My surgeon had me go to the ER and had them do an ultra sound of my gall bladder and a nuclear test done on my abdomen which showed my gall bladder was not working properly. He did emergency surgery the next day to take out my gall bladder.
   — Patricia C.

February 6, 2003
Stacy, Hi there well not exactly at 4 months, I just recently have mine removed at 8 months post op. I was terrified of having it removed, same like yourself dreading another surgery, they were able to go in and do it lap, and it was almost painless. The doctor said I had allot of scar tissue from the open RYN, I had it taken out on Friday and was back to work on Monday, the only thing that bothered me was the fact that I couldn't tan or exercise... After having it removed I feel so much better no pain!, and an added bonus, not to be gross before hand I was always constipated, now I have no problem. Everything will go well, God bless Post op 8 months down 115 pounds. If you have any questions email me.
   — tannedtigress

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