Does anyone know....

of a good/great whey protein mix? What is the difference between whey and whey stack? My nutritionist said we need to be taking whey protein supplements after surgery and I was hoping someone could give me a few suggestions of some good whey drinks. Thanks!    — chatterbox213704 (posted on November 10, 2002)

November 10, 2002
I don't know what "whey stack" is but whey protein is more finely processed and is supposed to be more easily digested. My two favorites are Isopure Zero Carb in the glass bottles (it's a pre-mixed juice that comes in several flavors; a 20 oz bottle= 40 grams protein) and Metrx APM 60 (it's a powder that you mix with 16 oz of water- makes a thick low carb shake containing 60 grams of protein and tons of vitamins- I like Double-shot Chocolate). I get them from and, repectively. I believe you can also get them from GNC. offers samples of different products if you want to try them out.
   — LLinderman

November 10, 2002
I have tried MANY protein powders and bars. My absolute favorite is DESIGNER WHEY Protein powder and bars. I suggest you go to and order some samples. That way you're not spending a fortune on cans of protein podwer only to throw them away cause you don't like them. My drink of choice is......every morning I take a scoop of Designer Whey protein powder, chocolate flavor, and add it to a cup of milk with 1/2 packet of equal. Takes a few minutes to mix it up but, yum, yum, tastes like chocolate milk and it gives me 25 grams of protein.
   — Kim B.

November 11, 2002
Try Real Meals, it is whey protein and it is made by the company that pioneered whey protein supplements. It has 60 grams of protein plus over 40 other vitamins and minerals. Plus, it has the lean mass stimulators to help prevent sagging skin by maintaining you lean muscle underneath. There are a lot of surgeons and nurses recommending it now. Plus it actually tastes good. The manufacturer has done a lot of research on protein supplements and Gastric Bypass Patients and will even talk to post ops personally. There are some really good product reviews in the Nutrition Forum. They are listed in two places under Healthy N Fit (The company that makes it) Or you can go to their website at
   — Linda A.

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