What's the difference?

I have been using the Pure Protein bars for supplements when I am on the run and can't make a shake. I was looking at the back of the package and it says that it has 31g total carbs but there are only 5g of net impact carbs and 25g of non impact carbs. What is the differnece and are these okay to supplement with?    — Danielle B. (posted on November 7, 2002)

November 7, 2002
I don't remember the exact answer to this question, but I know that it was asked recently. You might check the last 300 questions and find the one about this. You will be able to tell by the subject line.
   — Jenni K.

November 7, 2002
Glycerin (sweetener) and fiber are carbs that don't "count" in the impact carbs - although be aware that glycerin does cause some people to stall their weight-loss, so approach with caution :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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