Has anyone gained weight with Avandia?

Here I am super morbidly obese and my diabetes is slightly out of control and my doctor prescribed to me Avandia which causes weight gain and if I get approved for surgery, will the Avandia make it harder to lose weight, I can't even figure out why my doctor would prescribe something that causes weight gain even though I am morbidly obese    — Grace H. (posted on September 18, 2002)

September 17, 2002
I was type 2 diabetic b4 the surgery. Since my surgery, I am off meds and blood sugar is normal. So maybe your doc feels that you won't need to take it for that much longer if you have this surgery. Just a though. Good luck!
   — stacey1273

September 18, 2002
Hi! My doctor also prescribe Avandia for me to help control my blood sugar, which was discovered during the initial blood I am glad that I started the WLS journey when I did and my PCP could help me pre-op. I did notice that I did gain some weight when I started taking Avandia, but that could also be because I am eating like crazy due to surgery anxiety!! Talk to your PCP if you're not sure why she prescribed the medication she never hurts to ask. Good luck!
   — Michelle Y.

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