My last two bowel movements have bright red blood in them....

I know usually this is an indication of an external bleed (bright red) but I was not so sure after our surgery. I have not been constipated actually quite the opposite diarrraha about three times daily. I am post op 9 days rny. I have also been experencing some server heartburn...I just took pepcid ac complete because Mallox was not touching it. Has this happened to anyone else?    — Laura T. (posted on August 15, 2002)

August 15, 2002
Can't speak as for specifics of being a post op. I can tell you though that when I have a lot of diarhea and things are really irritated in my bowels I too will have some bleeding. If it continues or you have a lot of blood loss, or are just suspicious something bigger is going on you should definitely see your doctor.
   — Shelly S.

August 15, 2002
I suggest you call your doctor. You're a Brand New Newbie and the doc should be able to give you information. That's what they're there for! Good luck.
   — Marti R.

August 16, 2002
My best advice is to call your doctor immediately. Rectal bleeding is never a "normal" occurrence and should be reported. This did happen to my daughter when she was 2 weeks post-RNY, and when we called the surgeon, he immediately told her to eliminate all dairy from her diet. Roughly 30% of RNY patients will develop some degree of lactose intolerance post-op. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, excess gas, diarrhea, and blood in the stools. Her symptoms disappeared within 24 hours of eliminating dairy products from her diet. Some patients will "outgrow" their lactose intolerance, and some are permanently affected. She is 33 months post-op and she drinks Lactaid milk and uses Lactaid tablets before meals that contain dairy. Your problem may be as simple as this, but you need to speak with your surgeon....better safe than sorry. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

August 20, 2002
I by no means am a doctor but my guess would be hemrhoids. I have had diarreha since surgery and have developed them myself, and have even had them banded (didn't work) and this is what I see from them is bright red blood in the BM or on my TP.
   — Lynda T.

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