Would someone with mild dysplasia have trouble having surgery?

I was always afraid to go and see a gynecologist because I was ashamed of my weight, also because I have had abnormal menstrual cycles and I waited almost a year that I was afraid she would find something wrong. But then since I decided I am having the surgery, I wanted to be as healthy as possible for the surgery I finally gathered up the courage and went. I had some blood work done which was normal, but my pap came back abnormal. She said I have mild dysplasia that she is not going to treat right now because it's so mild. My concern is, could this cause a delay in my surgery? Has anybody that has had mild dysplasia had surgery? I finally just got approved on July 19th after waiting for this for 2 years. Now this!! Has anybody had this problem?? Please help!!!    — Samar M. (posted on July 26, 2002)

July 26, 2002
I have had this problem for years and it has been severe. I had my surgery in late Feb. This didn't hinder or keep me from surgery. You should be just fine. I really don't think you have anything to be worried about. Good luck! Tracey
   — Tracey W.

July 26, 2002
I know for a fact that you won't have any problem. I have had dysplasia as well. It is pre-cancerous cells. Since it is mild they won't treat it yet because they want to see how it will develop. It might get worse and need treatment and it might resolve itself. Massive amounts of women have this. It is soooo common. You are fine right now. Even if it did need to be treated I highly doubt it would be a problem with surgery. They would first go in and freeze the parts with the pre-cancerous cells to get them off. It is an office visit. No biggy. If they needed to do a byopsy that is still just an office visit. It has nothing to do with your insides (tummy) and it is a quick and simple treatment. Since you don't need treatment now it is absolutely fine. DO NOT WORRY about this honey. You will be just fine. I am scheduled for surgery on Aug 13 and that is only 3 weeks away. I just saw the internest to be cleared for surgery and come to find out they want me to have a stress test on my heart (run the tread mill...yuck) and make sure my heart is up for surgery. I have to see my PCP and get a referral to see a cardiologist. Then I have to see if they can fit me in before the 13th. I have way more to worry about than you and I can tell you that I am not sweatin it. I know I have a date. I know my heart is fine. I am just going to push to make sure I get this done before the surgery day. Good luck to you and keep your chin up, hon. (((hugs)))
   — Michelle J.

July 26, 2002
I've had cervical cancer twice which was treated with laser surgery, chemo, and radiation. When I went for my pap smear last year my doc said I have mild dysplasia. Instead of traditional treatments, which my doc said would be very difficult for me, he told me to douche with a mix of 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar once a week and to come back in 3 months. I did this religiously and when I went back to him to have it checked there were no signs of any dysplasia at all. I kept doing the weekly douche thing just to keep things a bay so to speak. I'm not saying that this is what you need to do. What I'm leading up to is after doing this and after the cancer I had my WLS on May 9, 2002 and am doing great. The short answer to your question is NO - it won't delay the surgery for you. Good luck.
   — Vicki H.

July 27, 2002
I worked for a GYN, the dysplasia is not as scarey as it sounds. BUT YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW UP ON IT OR IT CAN GET SERIOUS. Like the other posts said most are treated easily, but no treatment can turn into the bad stuff. I do not see any problem w/ having the diagnosis of dysplasia and the surgery. after you surgery, you will probably be more compliant in keeping GYN appts. Good luck
   — Leigh S.

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