How much will losing weight effect my knees?

I am having open RNY surgery May 6. I am having so much pain in my knees sense I went off anti inflamitory meds, My doctor said I can not take my vioxx after surgery, how much relief can I expect from weight loss alone? What else besides tylenol can I use?    — Sandie H. (posted on April 25, 2002)

April 25, 2002
I don't really know the answer to your question, but I would ask your doctor why you won't be able to take Vioxx. I have read of several people on this site who have had RNY and who regularly take Vioxx or Celebrex for arthritis pain and just pain in general.
   — Kristie B.

April 25, 2002
Hi, Sandy. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and was on Methotrexate and Relafin prior to RNY last October. I stopped taking my arthitis meds on October 1st, and was really ouchy before surgery. I haven't taken anything (except a tylenol-arthritis strength) for joint pain since. I have had to have one knee replaced just after was too late to save my knee. But my bone doc says that we've probably saved the right knee, just from the continued weight loss. I work out in a gym 3 x weekly, and swim 3 x weekly....if I can do it, you can too. Before surgery, I rode an electric cart in every store I visited, and avoided walking anywhere. This is the best thing I have ever done, and it was well worth the pain I suffered before surgery without meds. By the way, most of the arthritis meds have some kind of aspirin-type component, which causes thining of the blood (as I understand it), which is why we are supposed to stop taking it. Hope this helps,
   — linmazz

April 25, 2002
Pre op wls I was a candidate for a left knee replacement from a fall years ago. It ached every day. About a month post op both knees quit hurting, and feel great. I was down about 40 pounds at this point. This is a common great affect from the big weight loss.
   — bob-haller

April 25, 2002
My Dr. said I could return to taking Celebrex (for tendonitis from carpal tunnel) after 6 weeks. You may ask your dr about this. In the meantime during healing phase, you may have to stick to tylenol.
   — Dell H.

April 25, 2002
I began taking Vioxx four weeks after surgery. Pleasse let your doctor know so mnay patients are able to take this wonderful medication after surgery. The medication along with the weight loss 100#'s have given me back my mobility. I can walk stairs, stoop, etc. like I was able to do years ago. Good luck!
   — Wanda W.

April 26, 2002
How much relief can you expect??? A LOT. I still notice a cringe of pain when I first stand up in the morning, but that chronic, nagging pain from hauling around 400+ lbs. is GONE. Don't worry about not being able to take Vioxx post-op. There are several pain meds (mostly narcotics) that you will still be able to tolerate after your surgery.
   — Terissa R.

April 26, 2002
I live in a very cold climate where the average temp during the day is 35 degrees. My knees and ankles hurt so bad and I was constantly in serious pain!!! I dreaded going to the shooting range to qualify with my weapons every 3months because I have to get down on my knees!!! After I lost the first 45lbs my knees and ankles stop hurting completely. Even with the cold weather!!! Thank God!!! I am down 74lbs and I am looking forward to going to the shooting range next month PAIN FREE!!! This surgery is AWESOME!!!!
   — Laura G.

April 26, 2002
The problem with Vioxx, Celebrex or any of the other NSAIDs is that they can cause ulcers and bleeding in the new pouch. They can also cause liver damage, but the real concern with WLS is the ulceration and bleeding. My surgeon allows me to take Celebrex but only when absolutely necessary and then on for 5 days and off for at least 5 days. My orthopaedist wouldn't prescribe it for me after the surgery and my internist (who has several RNY patients) agrees with the surgeon about not taking it daily. Hope this helps. My knee pain is greatly improved - pre-op I took 12 Ibuprofen a day and for the most part now I take nothing. I still hurt, but I am more active than I was before surgery and have less pain without the medication. However, my surgeon has assured me that no amount of weight loss is going to help totally because my knees are shot from too many years of too much weight. So, at least the surgery will make me a candidate for successful knee replacement. Patty Butler Open RNY - 11/29/01 -84+ pounds
   — Patty_Butler

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