What size will I be & what will I look like after PS?

I am soooooo excited, I just found out my hernia repair w/panni will be covered by UHC! Over the two month wait for approval I have more or less learned to live with the hernia, but I have questions about the panni... How long will the hospital stay be? What is the pain like compared to WLS? Will I need a 'caretaker' with me for a few days after? What kind of scar will this leave? If I weigh 158 at 5'6" & wear 13/14's, about what will I weigh and what size will I wear after? ***grinz***    — DonnaCarol (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 19, 2002
hi- i am still pre-op, but know of some people who hav had the pannis. Depending on how much extra skin and fat is taken, depends on your size. But usually they will take 10-15 pounds off, and you could be a size 8 or 10 most likely. not sure about the pain, etc. Goodluck to you.
   — Lezlie Y.

April 19, 2002
For Pics of before and after try
   — Amy G.

April 19, 2002
Well, my mom had open RNY 10-00, and a lower body lift 11-01. Her pain for the LBL was much worse than for the RNY. But the pain was was topical pain rather than inner pain-know what I mean? She had trouble positioning herself comfortably, etc. I would recomend having someone with you for the first week, so you can tell how you will do. You will need someone to help you get in and out of bed, etc. But like everything else, the pain will subside, and now she is thrilled, and she was about 5'6, and probably 168-170, they took off 9 lbs of skin, and she got down to about 150, and she wears 8-10s. hope this helps!
   — Sarah P.

April 20, 2002
Thank you all for your responses :) I was hoping for something like this! I think it might get me down to goal. Since we weren't sure about a caretaker afterwards, my hubby has arranged to take a week off at that time, the pain will probably be easier to deal with than having him home for a week, lol! I have a very high pain tolerance! I checked out, Sue is AMAZING! I added her site to my favorites list. Thank you all again, I really appreciate your help :)
   — DonnaCarol

April 21, 2002
I had an abdominoplasty 2 weeks ago. The doctor removed four pounds of skin. I don't know about the final result yet as I still have lots of swelling & excess fluid. I can't even get into the pants I was wearing before the TT yet! For me, the pain was nowhere even close to as bad as the RNY. I'm probably 80% back to normal now after just two weeks. Sure, there was pain involved, but of a much less "deep" nature. Maybe not quite a breeze, but not nearly as bad as I feared.
   — Kathy W.

April 22, 2002
Thank you Kathy :) I thought the recovery period was much longer, 2-3 months! My PS told me he would remove 10-15 lbs... hoping this will get me down to goal! Congratulations! DC
   — DonnaCarol

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