Has anyone gotten a bladder infection a week after surgery?

I have a bad pain in the botton of my stomach all the time and worst when i go to the bathroom....Anyone else ever had this and what can i take for it perscription wise?    — Amanda G. (posted on March 11, 2002)

March 11, 2002
I had a bladder infection one week after leaving the hospital. My doctor said sometimes people get them because of being catheterized after surgery. Get your doctor to prescribe an antibiotic after he makes sure that is what is causing the pain.
   — Tammy D.

March 11, 2002
I got a bladder infection while I was in the hospital after my surgery, the staff of doctor's that visited me daily told me it is sometimes caused by the catheter that is put in during surgery, you might also get very back pain from this infection also, a heating pad on your back helps alot, I was in the hospital for a total of 6 days because of the infection, make sure you see your doctor asap to get on antibiotes to clear up the infection, I had my surgery on the 27th and my bladder infection is almost completly cleared up , took my last antibiote pill this morning,,, hope this helps you.valita
   — bikerchic

March 11, 2002
I had a bladder infection the week after my surgery. I hear its not uncommon because of the cathetar. I believe my doctor put me on Zythromax, but I really don't remember.
   — Donna L.

March 11, 2002
I developed a bladder infection a week after surgery, too. My doctor put me on chewable amoxicillin, but it didn't clear it up so I took Cipro, crushed, after that and it did the trick. Good luck!
   — Kris V.

March 12, 2002
I came home from hospital on Sat. morning and had to go back Sunday evening because of the pain and it was a bladder infection. It seems that having a cath. is the cause of this. I was put on antibodic and it was gone in know time.
   — Lisa S.

March 12, 2002
My Mom, my sisters and myself were all prone to the dreaded, painful bladder infection. I worried about this after surgery because of the catheter- fortunately I did not get one. Still, I have a very sympathetic PCP who will give me antibiotics, and in case of emergencies (bladder infection at night, can't see him till the AM) a perscription pain reliever (specifically for bladder infections?) called Pyridium. They are a life saver. My doctor said that whenever I get the urge to urinate, I MUST GO. Also, immediately after sex, I MUST GO, sometimes even twice, even if I get the slightest tinge again- JUST GO. No laying around in a warm bed for me- I immediately jump up and GO! To keep my urethra(?) clear is a big MUST. Since the sex advice- I have not had a bladder infection in probably 5 years. Anyhow, just an FYI.......
   — Karen R.

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