Is Losing 40 lbs in 4 weeks too fast?

I've been post-op for 4 weeks today and I've lost almost 40 lbs. I eat till I'm full and I work-out for almost an hour most days. I weighed 315 pre-op and now I'm down to 276. I'm taking all my vitamins, etc, but that seems way too fast. Is it? If so, what are the side effects? Thanks.    — Miguel C. (posted on February 23, 2002)

February 23, 2002
We started out at just about the same weight. Sure sounds like alittle to fast to me, but if you feel well than that is what counts. I sure envy you. ;)
   — Danmark

February 23, 2002
I lost 60 lbs. in my first six weeks and 100 lbs. by 12 weeks. Then my loss slowed way down. In month 3-12 I have only lost another 65 lbs. That's just the way this surgery works. It's way fast at first and then levels off. You're fine - don't worry.
   — Terissa R.

February 23, 2002
My surgery date was 1-18-02, and to date I have lost 45lbs. My physician, and many of my WLS supporters think its great. Indeed it is quite a bit of weight to lose rapidly, just be sure to drink/eat your protien, or you may begin to lose your hair . About 3 mos. post-op. The good news is that it does regrow. Your doing great. Sherry
   — Sherry S.

February 23, 2002
I started out at 293, and lost 40 pounds at 4 weeks. The next month I lost 20 lbs. With 10 days to go in my 3rd month I have only lost 6 lbs, been on a plateau. Good luck and enjoy your lose.
   — Missy M.

February 23, 2002
Lots of factors influence rate of weight loss....younger folks seem to lose weight more rapidly than us older ones.....males generally lose faster than females....those who have more weight to lose overall, will lose weight more rapidly in the early months than patients who don't need to lose as much. My daughter lost 50 lbs. in her first 3 weeks, as opposed to my "piddly" 20 lbs., and we were doing all the same things with diet and exercise. As long as you are taking your vitamins, getting your protein and water in, don't worry about the rate of the weight loss. These first 6 months are the "golden" period when the weight comes off rapidly....after that, things slow down substantially and you will find yourself wishing for the days when the pounds simply seemed to melt away :-) Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

February 23, 2002
Hey check my profile, were twins weight loss wise! Both start and one month weights are similiar. Be happy at 7 months I am down 123 pounds. Were LUCKY to be BIG loosers:)
   — bob-haller

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