Is Multinodular Goiter and Hyperthyroidsm a common condition resulting from wsl

I had laparoscopic gastric bypass on 04/3/01 and lost 105 pounds. I was diagnose in dicember with Multinodular Toxic Goiter and Grave's disase, I'm currently taking medication for the hyperthyroidsm since december and haven't lost any weight. Is there anybody with the same condition that can give some advice. I'm currently living in Saudi Arabia and going to the USA in april.    — Gracia B. (posted on February 16, 2002)

February 16, 2002
Hello. I haven't even had surgery yet, but I have hypothyroidism and a multinodular goiter. The difference between what you have and what I have is that my thyroid is underactive and yours in overactive. Thyroid problems are usually hereditary from what I have heard. Were you checked for hyperthyroidism before you had the surgery? Thyroid problems could be a great factor in why you gained weight in the first place (before you had the surgery). I have been living with thyroid problems for over seven years now and mine fluctuates a lot so I have had to change dosages several times. Each person is different. It takes awhile to find how much of a dose you need to get the tyroid regulated. Once yours is regulated, you may start losing weight again. If I were you, I would keep having your levels tested as often as possible and just keep changing doses until you come up with the right one for you. As far as the multinodular goiter goes, make sure you have a doctor check it on a regular basis to make sure none of the nodules get any bigger or change consistency. When the doctor first found my multinodular goiter, he ran an ultrasound on it to make sure none of them were cancerous. Have you had an ultrasound yet? I hope I was of some help to you and if you have any more questions about thyroidism, feel free to ask me :)
   — Kelly M.

February 17, 2002
Your diagnosis didnt result from your WLS... it was in tandem with your surgery. I know many people who didnt have our surgery with your diagnosis. I have multinodular goiter and Hashimoto's thyroiditis pre surgery and am hypothyroid. My condition has improved frommy weightloss. My best advice is to make sure your endocrinologist deals with thyroid conditions and not just diabetes. They are probably going to want you to have the radioactive cocktail to destroy the out of control thyroid tissue... read about your condition as much as possible on the net.
   — SusanMaria

February 17, 2002
I don't have an answer, but I do have a suggestion. If you don't have access to an endocrinologist where you are, make sure you see one when you get to the states. They have the most experience dealing with thyroid disease and it sounds like that's what you need. Good luck.
   — garw

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