Does anyone else have this problem?

This is a very embarassing question. I just had to ask if anyone else is experiencing this. It is driving me NUTS. I am about 7 months out and my anus itches profusly!!!! I keep myself clean, I eat right and I have bowel movements about every other day. It used to be every day, but as time went past it got longer and longer in between. I think it's just that protein does not produce that much waste. I had an RNY proximal, with no complications. I have lost 93 lbs. I am otherwise in good health. It itches so bad, and even scratching does not releive it. Anyone else experience this????? Or have any suggestions as to why, or how to stop it???? Thanks ahead of time.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 14, 2002)

February 14, 2002
Do you have hemmorhoids? I do and they have acting up like crazy, itching and burning. I tried using some Tucks wipes and that seems to do the trick. I am 3 months post op RNY.
   — [Anonymous]

February 14, 2002
I had to laugh at this question. Do you have hemorroids? Sometimes constipation will make them flare up. Other than that I have no clue as to what it could be. I know that there are creams for this that you can buy over the counter. Good luck!
   — Dawn H.

February 14, 2002
Do you have hemroids? I do and they have been flared up really bad here latly, causeing SEVERE itching. Use some tucks pads to clean and over counter medicine for itch releif.
   — [Anonymous]

February 14, 2002
If you do not have hemeroids what I am about to say sounds GROSS but here it is....Do you have pets that could have pin worms? Or are you around children that could have them? That is the only other thing that I have heard has that insatiable itching....Might be worth checking out...
   — Sassy M.

February 14, 2002
Sounds like hemorrhoids to me. I never had them before and got one before surgery and ignored it as it would only flare up once in a while. I finally had it checked out at the Gyn and was diagnosed. I got some Anusol and that helped a lot. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

February 14, 2002
It sounds like pin worms to me. My son had them once.
   — [Anonymous]

February 14, 2002
I have the same problem. I talked to my GYN about it and she prescribed some cream. She said it was a skin problem. I went in there thinking it was pinworms, but she said no.
   — [Anonymous]

February 14, 2002
All of those answers are great and yes, when a child, I suffered from pinworms because I was a thumb sucker. the treatment is easy...just a medication you take orally. Geez I have even suffered from hemorriods too...come to think of it I sure have alot of anus problems LOL..anyway, I was just yesterday, given a diagnosis of yeast infection in my fecal matter. Itching can be a symptom although I am lucky not to have that but, I, unlike you, have diarrhea from it so I am not sure. I would "definately" talk to a doctor about it. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara H.

February 14, 2002
Yes...I'm 13 mths. out and the last few months I've been having iching and burning too. I'm thinking hemroids. In fact I used over the counter cream today for the first time. I think it did help. Boy... it sure can be uncomfortable! My b.m.s have really slowed down too. I notice when I drink a lot of crystal lite it makes it worse.
   — Deb H.

August 28, 2003
I had this same problem and I tried everything for it. It would wake me up at night and nothing seemed to help. I was miserable for weeks. What finally worked was using moistened unscented toilet paper to wipe, wet with water only. Then I bought a large bottle of Dickenson's Witch Hazel and used that as a compress on a washcloth every time the itching became unbearable. DO NOT SCRATCH! DO NOT RUB! The more you irritate it the worse it gets. Do not wash there with soap because that can irritate it even more. After several days of this it finally cleared up. I still use the witch hazel sometimes. Hope this helps. I know this is an awful problem and very embarrassing. You have all my sympathy! HUGS!
   — pooh2tattoo

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