Any post-ops take Royal Jelly?

I'm 8 months post rny so I hope I'm OK to take these Royal Jelly capsules. I heard alot of good stuff about the royal jelly. I just started takking it the other day. Hasn't helped my awful fatigue yet but I'm gonna give it a chance. Maybe I need to increase the dose. Why the heck am I so tired anyway?!    — lalasmommy (posted on February 2, 2002)

February 2, 2002
Hi... I can't comment on the 'Royal Jelly', I don't know what that is. But about being tired, have you had your B-12 checked? If that's too low, you can lose energy. Also water intake, if you are dehydrated you can get tired too. Just a few thoughts! Good Luck!
   — [Anonymous]

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