TX - Looking for referral(s) to plastic surgeon(s) in Houston

Hello, all. I had an appointment with a plastic surgeon today just to begin learning about "things." I went in with the plan to definitely do my arms and maybe do the tummy tuck. I would like to pursue the possibility of insurance covering the latter but he stated emphatically that insurance won't cover it. He showed great "before and after" photos that made me want to do it eventually. He also said that he wouldn't recommend doing the arms as they haven't figured out a way to do it without leaving a horrible scar. I was surprised when he said that he would like to do the TT now, saying he doesn't want to do it when I get "too thin." (That "too thin" definitely does not compute -- I never thought anyone would think that for me.) Lots to think about... I want to get closer to my goal weight before doing anything, though. (This being in charge of my life is kind of habit forming!) I have a question for you fine people out there. I want to get at least one other opinion and would like to see someone who does not automatically rule out the possibility of insurance covering the TT. I would appreciate any referrals you could give. Thanks!    — Pamela C. (posted on November 27, 2001)

October 9, 2002
I was wondering who the doctor was that you were referring to in your question. I am in the process of trying to find a PS and I don't want to waste my time seeing him if he won't even try to file for insurance coverage. Have you had the procedure yet? If so, who did you use?
   — purpletb

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