What is considered a normal blood pressure?

I'm 19 weeks post distal RNY; lost 90lbs. so far. I've been feeling really weird in my head lately, sort of like a spinning sensation. When I stand for too long, it feels like I get a cold-sweat and like I'm going to pass out. My blood pressure lately has been something like 100/58, whereas it was normally reading something like 128/78 or something. I'm wondering if the symptoms I am experiencing is from low blood pressure? I see my surgeon this Thurs. for a follow-up and I will be sure to ask him about it. But for now, I'm just wondering if my suspisions (sp?) are correct. If yes, I suspect the cause is from dehydration b/c I've been very bad - haven't been drinking my water as I should. Or maybe it could be related to starting up on Zoloft again? OK, OK, I know you're not doctors. YES, I WILL ask my dr. about it. And I will drink more water. Just wondering about the blood pressure thing; what is normal? TIA.    — lalasmommy (posted on October 1, 2001)

October 1, 2001
Hi Alexandra, I don't want to scare you but this needs to addressed right away. My husband had this problem too. Although his was not related in anyway to weight loss surgery. One of the things he was told to do was when you are laying down and go to sit up, do it very slowly. Also when you go from a sitting position to standing do that real slow also. When your blood pressure dips that low it can cause you to pass out if you stand too abruptly. I am not a doctor so I can not explain why this happens, but I do know that it can be very dangerous so make sure you tell your PCP also. It is not normal for your blood pressure to dip that low. Any questions feel free to e-mail me. Lots of luck, and congrats on your weight loss. You might want to check out for more info.
   — Claudette G.

October 1, 2001
The previous person has some good suggestions, but I would also add that you should have a blood test to check your "electrolites". I've had alot of problems (SERIOUS problems) with low potasssium and have been lightheaded, plus feeling as if I would pass out when I got up quick. In any case, do be safe and have that checked too when you see your doctor.
   — Danmark

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