Hi Everybody :) I am 4 days post of and have been feeling very bloated and have not

had a bowel movement yet. I have been belching and feel slight pressure in the upper abdoment when I do that. I also passed flatus today but still no bm. Help...can anyone recommend something to take or do for these problems? Thanks and am so greatful for your input. Have a Blessed Day :) Myrna    — Myrna E. (posted on September 21, 2003)

September 21, 2003
hi they i had the same problem i am 2 weeks post-op. when i feel like i can't go i have a glaSS 4 0Z OF unsweetened apple juice. drink slowly you don't need any more gas. it works better than ex-lax for me, Ha Ha !! i also get the burps but i find that that is my signal to stop drinking or eating, it happens when i have had enough. i guess a burp is better than throwing up my food. take care, hope i [email protected]
   — linda W.

September 21, 2003
Try about a teaspoon of Phillips Milk of Magnesa, it helped me have a nice soft movement. And when I have excess gas I have been taking Gas-X, and it does help. I am 6 weeks and I remember the first couple of weeks I was very gassy, and had a difficult time having a bm, so this is normal. Hope this helps
   — cindy

September 21, 2003
I found that apple juice gave me more gas and major cramps. I heard the Milk of Mag is good if you can tolerate it, which I can't. I am taking prenatals which cause constipation. My gyno told me to take Surtak or Colace, which is what they put in other prenatals with stool softeners. My roommate had the surgery 1.5 yrs ago and swears by Benefiber in her cottage cheese everyday.
   — Alexandra M.

September 22, 2003
Hi Myrna, I know that pre-op we cleared out our entire digestive systems so the surgeon had a clear road to work with. Now, post-op you're on clear liquids. So...there's no food substance to pass! Once you're on pureed foods you'll see something comin' down the pipes. =:*)
   — Deborah M.

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