6 Wks Post...I want nothing to do with food

Hi there, I am ebbing on 6 weeks and have not had any problems with eating anything. Have never thrown up, etc. That said, food just grosses me out, now. I eat because the clock and surgeon instructions tell me to. There is no physical or emotional reminder that it's time or I'd like to eat. My question: Many have said this is normal, it's temporary, etc. I've noticed that since surgery, I'm fussy and picky. An example: While eating a meatball (which was a recommended item from my nutritionist), I started to notice the little nodules of fat and it grossed me out so much I had to stop eating and throw away. Same thing happened once while eating tuna salad and chicken salad. It's not like it really made me sick. Just that my mind started thinking of all the "bad" things inside. Another example was the other day when I wanted an egg and for a moment thought of getting an egg mcmuffin at McDonalds and eating only the egg. THEN, I started thinking how they fried sausage on the same grill, etc. and nixed that idea real quick. Has anyone else experienced this new phenomenon? I used to eat anything...and a lot of it! I've tried getting things from favorite restaurants and eating only the portion I am allowed (chicken out of a salad) but even these things don't taste yummy like they used to. I really could care less if I ever ate food at all. I am so I get my protein but I don't enjoy it. No weird taste in my mouth or anything. Insights?    — Donya P. (posted on September 14, 2003)

September 14, 2003
You are going through what I consider to be the normal food revulsion stage... it gets a bit better, I promise!! Just be sure you get your protein in, and don't worry. You will NEVER think of food the same again, and that egg mcmuffin from mcdonalds will NEVER sound good again!! :~) Well, it may sound good, but it sure tastes yucky!! You are conditioning yourself to live your new life!! Go with it! :~)
   — Sharon m. B.

September 14, 2003
Very normal. Same for a lot of folks. I am 22 months out and today food no longer turns me on. I no longer dream about my next meal or plan about what snacks I am going to have. I eat to live not live to eat. Good luck
   — bbjnay

September 14, 2003
Hi there. I had the same experience for the first few months, and some of the things you mention (like the meatball) still happen at 5 mos out. I think because I had to pay attention to chewing my food for the first time in my life, I noticed all sorts of odd textures, and I was TOTALLY grossed out by greasy/fatty things. I spent half my mealtime picking through my food and taking half-chewed icky things out of my mouth. I got no excitement from food anymore, eating was just something I had to do. Soon, though, you will find foods in textures and tastes that you enjoy NOW, and things will get more 'normal'. Hang in there!
   — Judy M.

September 15, 2003
I posted a similar topic when I was a couple months post-op. It took me 6 months to actually eat real food and for it to taste good. Now a few days shy of my 1 year ann. and I eat almost double and I even enjoy a little bit of sugar and fattening foods. Everyone that gave me advice on timing and being normal was right! I feel so much better now and you will too. Just think of what our bodies have been through and waiting so long to eat, your mind and stomach forget about the cravings and taste, like a baby, your re-training yourself to eat. Good luck to you!
   — Sandy M.

September 16, 2003
Thank you for posting this...thought it was only me. I haven't been hungry or had a "taste" for anything in particular, except for nibbles of this or that. I do enjoy unsalted roasted almonds and endames <sp?> they both have a lot of protein. If it weren't for me having to get in my protein I probably wouldn't eat very much of anything! I have lost all interest in cooking and eating...after a couple of bites I catch myself sighing deeply and stopping...eating is such a chore now! I was an emotional and binge eater, but now I have no interest in food whatsoever! I can look at things I used to love and admire them, but not want them. I'm kind of enjoying it because of the amount of weight I've lost, but at the same time I hope to be able to eat a little more normally...after I've lost most of the weight (down 60 lbs). Dr Nazarian 7/2/03 390/330/175
   — Robin J.

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