Should we carry information stating we are gastric bypass patients?

In case of an emergency, I assume any emergency personnel should be made aware if you have had gastric bypass surgery. I saw someone offered medical alert jewelry; does anyone carry anything with their i.d.'s stating they've had a gastric bypass procedure. Is it necessary?    — scottiemaam O. (posted on July 20, 2001)

July 20, 2001
That's the first time I've heard that question. I thought about it and I can't think of any reason for doing so. If we're unable to communicate and have adbominal/intestinal injuries, the hospital will undoubtedly do an xray or ct scan and they'll see it all. If we had a head injury or injuries to limbs then our past wls would be irrelevant. If it gives you some sense of security, wear a braclet. But, I don't see a need.
   — [Anonymous]

July 20, 2001
I wear a "Medical Alert" necklace that states the following information: <p> "Gastric Bypass. Do not blindly insert N/G tube. Use Endoscopy..Dr. John Husted M.D. (615) 284-7960.. See Medical Card in wallet.. <p>
   — Victoria B.

July 20, 2001
I wear a medic alert bracelet. It states roux-en-y gastric bypass, insert n/g tube with caution. My doctor also gave me a card with the same message on it. I would strongly suggest you wear some type of alert. If you are in an accident, they may place a n/g tube in you on the way to the hospital, they may not have time to take x-rays first. I strongly suggest it.

July 21, 2001
I purchased a 14K gold medic alert bracelet right before my open rny but I now don't see a real need to wear it. Maybe I am missing something so please let me know WHY to wear it. If you are in an accident, why would the paramedics insert an NG tube? Why would they want to feed you? I just don't get it. Also if you have had open surgery they will see the (in my case) huge scar and know something was up. Surely they would investigate with x rays if we were unable to talk. Anybody have a reason to wear it? Thanks
   — Marilyn C.

July 21, 2001
I have 2 pieces of jewelry that list my doc, meds I cannot take, meds I DO take and not to insert the NG tube without looking first. Even so, it scares me to think that EMT personnel might not know what I'm talking about. Heck, half the docs do not! My biggest fer is to be in some sort of accident & wake up with my insides reassembled in their original condition!
   — vitalady

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