Has anyone post op given in to a craving, then felt really guilty?

I know, I'm a coward for posting anon. but I can't help it. I am six weeks out and I'm not really hungry. when i do get hungry it's for something i don't need, like chocolate or chips, then i feel guilty fo eating it, even though it's much less than i would have eaten before. I do the protein shakes, and drink my fluids, and exercise. i'm just scared !    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 20, 2001)

April 20, 2001
I have posted anonymously too when i was embarassed...i dont know why...we are all here for the same reason!!! anyway....this is a tool and you have to learn to eat properly which means EVERYTHING in moderation. I would be very careful about dumping from sugar and watch the fat and grease but you have to indulge every once in a while. Try not to do it daily...maybe save the chocolate for a sunday treat or something.
   — Kathy831

April 20, 2001
Hi, I am a chocoholic, and since I had my surgery I found, at Walmart, Russel Stover's Sugar Free Peanut Butter Cup's are to die for! I only have one about every other day and it help's my craving for chocolate. Russel Stover's also makes the Sugar Free Turtles that are wonderful also. The only thing I really have been craving is a Monster Cheeseburger from Hardee's ( they are charbroiled ) and my husband got one today and I took one bite of off it and chewed it very well, and it was so good, and I did very well with it. Now, I got all my cravings out of the way for now. Try the Russell Stover's sugar free peanut butter cup's, they taste just like the Reese's...mmn,mmn, good! Good Luck to you! I am down 44 pounds, and I am 5 weeks post op!
   — Valerie D.

April 20, 2001
Hi: I can't relate to your hunher pangs, yet, because my surgery isn't until May 15th. But as far as posting annomously, NO I don't feel that you are a coward! I'm sure many of us have done this at one time or another, myself included. For me it has depended on the nature of my question. So, don't ever feel that you're being cowardly, we are all here for you and each other. Lorraine
   — Lorraine L.

April 20, 2001
I don't blame you for not posting your name! When I am PMS'd (like this week!) I crave chocolate and salt and I tend to give into it, although not as much as I could before obviously. I always worry, but so far I am still losing- even if it is only 3 pounds a month, it is losing. I am only 14 pounds away from goal, so I know it is going to go slower. Try not to beat yourself up- I had this surgery so I WOULDN'T be compulsive about food. Good Luck!
   — M B.

April 21, 2001
Hi! I had my surgery 1 year ago. I am 40# below my goal. I refuse to ever diet again. I have dieted ALL my life. The only thing I ever got out of diets were a LOW self esteem. This is how I see it: I make a batch of brownies, I eat 1/2, or 1 brownie. Before surgery, I would eat the WHOLE batch!! This means the surgery is working. If I choose to eat something that others would PUT ME DOWN about, That comes under the heading of being their problem, not mine. I am a happy Fat person in a skinny body. I did noticed someone else is freaking out about gaining 25# in 6 months. I wonder what the weight gain would have been before WLS, probably 100#. I say that's great to only gain 25#. That is a major improvement. Good Luck, and God Bless You --
   — CohenHeart

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