What Protein Bars and Protein Shakes is everyone using?

I have been searching the stores for Protein Bars and Shakes. Many of them have a lot of sugar in them or are also high in carbs. What do you all find are the best tasting with the highest protein (low carb, low sugar) and where do you buy them?    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 6, 2000)

June 6, 2000
I have had great success with I use their Proscore 100 CHocolate protein shake,,,,it is wonderful! Then for the protein bar, I use GNC, Premeir eight, cookies and cream flavor, try it out! Good Luck Kim
   — Kimberly R.

June 6, 2000
A friend, Sonya Payton told me about a protein shake she is drinking called MET Rx and she purchased it at CVS Pharmacy. I am not sure of the cost but it has 3g carbs and 1g sugar. I am getting it tonight!
   — kimberly1224

June 6, 2000
I like the Ultra Pure Protein Shakes - any flavor except chocolate. I also like the Pure Protein Almond Fudge Brownies. Both are made by Worldwide Nutrition. I get them at the Vitamin Shoppe. Good Luck!
   — Marjie W.

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