Afraid of nausea

Hi guys, just got done with a severe stomache flu, I am pre-op and scared to death I will feel this way after the surgery, I hate nausea and vomiting. Any comments/opinions welcome!    — Pamela G. (posted on April 11, 2000)

April 11, 2000
Pamela. HI my name is Toni. I am 4 weeks post op, and live in Kalamazoo. I havent vomitted at all since surgery, and over all feel good. I am real tired and achy from laying and sitting so much, but getting better every day. Just take it slow, and follow your diet, and you should be fine :)
   — Toni W.

April 11, 2000
Hey Pamela: I had LAP RNY in 9/99 and have never vomited from overeating. Only once did I have to make myself vomit for not chewing up my food properly. Nausea on the otherhand, I have experienced many times. In my experience I have never had severe nausea which I would compare with having the flu. It has been mild. I usually just lay down or sit for a few minutes to about 1/2 hour and let it pass. It has been very mild. You will get used to knowing when to stop (most of the time). Good luck!!
   — Dot W.

April 11, 2000
I was afraid of this too before my surgery. I have a history of nausea and vomiting from anesthesia and narcotic pain relievers, and the last thing I wanted to do was wake up from major abdominal surgery and start vomiting. I talked to my doctor about this beforehand, and they made sure and gave me plenty of anti-nausea medication before I woke up from surgery, and I had no nausea at all. After about three days, they switched me from IV pain meds to oral pain meds, and I got the nausea pretty bad for about half a day. But, any time I complained about it, they were more than willing to rush in with a shot that got rid of the nausea really well. Once my stomach got some healing time in, probably about two weeks after surgery, I stopped having nausea and don't have it anymore (unless I'm sick of course). Even if I have overeaten and feel like vomiting, it isn't the same as that spinning-queezy-nausea feeling like with the flu. Whatever happens to you, it may be hard for a few days, but just keep reminding yourself that it will get better, and the hard part is just temporary. Good Luck!
   — Lynn K.

April 11, 2000
I had open RNY on 4/4/00 and have not experienced any nausea.
   — Cindy H.

April 12, 2000
Hi, Pamela--I'm almost 9 months postop (open RNY, down 110#), and I have had almost NO nausea--maybe three times? I do follow dr's orders, though--no sugars and low fat. GOod luck to you---you can do this!!
   — charlene M.

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