Hi AMOS friends 5'8 TT post op

I'm wondering if anyone has any simular stats- I am one week post op from my tummy tuck- I've been obese my whole life- I carried most of my weight in my belly, and had a large panni (rolls n rolls) even before losing nearly 180lbs- I stand 5'8" tall and went from 327 to 150lbs- I have a VERY LARGE frame- just before my Tummy tuck I was wearing 12/14's- I'm wondering what YOUR pant size ended up being after your tummy tuck ?    — WABBIT F. (posted on August 12, 2004)

August 12, 2004
Hi, dont know the answer to that yet, as I am still swollen to oblivion and still draining pretty good at 3 weeks post op. I do know that I lost 17 pounds of skin/hanging fat with the TT/hernia repair, so it had better be good when IM finished! LOL! Good Luck!
   — donnalawbabe

August 12, 2004
I think alot of it depends on the amount of skin the dr removes I have had several ppl tell me they went down 2 sizes after TT and they had 8 to 10 pds removed Take Care Huggs Beth
   — wildbrat

August 12, 2004
I guess it depends on your frame etc; I had almost 11 pounds of skin removed and lost amost 20 pounds but still wear the same size cloths... just looser but not enough to put me into another size.. BUT who cares the LOOK is great... flat flat flat.. Your going to love it!
   — star .

August 13, 2004
Wabbit - I'm 5'7" and lost just over 100 lbs. before my LBL. I'm 3 months post op and I've gone down 2 sizes. You're going to look GREAT!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 13, 2004
WABBIT!!! Congrats to you on your wt loss and TT! Not sure if you remember me, but I have come to the chat from time to time. Anyhow I am not tall like you but also had a hernia repair/TT 3 wks ago today, and the P.S took appx 6# of fat/skin. I am still very swollen in my hips and crotch area and wear my double binders religiously. They are definately helping reduce the swelling. 1wk ago I was not able to wear regular clothes, and today I can with room. Not that comfy yet with non-stretch or 'thinner' sizes but I am hopeful for the final result. YOU ARE GOING TO BE FABULOUS TOO!! all the best!
   — zena X.

August 13, 2004
I'm 5'4" and was wearing size 4's and now wear 2/4's. Had a full TT on 4/28/04.I love the results and now I'm working hard at the gym on the abs. I even got my bb pierced 3 weeks ago. (((HUGS)))
   — Hazel S.

August 13, 2004
I'm 5'7", started at 305, had 7 pounds of skin taken off and went down about a size.
   — mom2jtx3

August 14, 2004
Different people will get different results because, well, we're all different. A lot will depend on how much skin and fat was removed, your general body shape, bone frame, how firm the underlying muscles are, and some on the surgeon's skill. Obviously the better the surgeon, the more tissue you have removed, the smaller the bone frame is, and the firmer the underlying muscles are, the relatively smaller you will be. I had an extended abdominoplasty four and a half weeks ago, and still have a bit of swelling. Even with the binder on, I've gone from a 16 to a 12. I'm hoping to get to a 10, but will be happy with a 12 if that's where I am. I had about 15 pounds of skin and fat removed, always had carried most of my weight in my abdomen, had an excellent surgeon, pretty firm muscle tone pre-op, and a medium frame. Whatever size you end up, you will be most delighted, I'm sure!
   — Vespa R.

August 22, 2004
I am 1 week post-op TT tomorrow. I started as a pre-op at 5'7" and 255, wearing size 24 TIGHT. I carried most of my weight in my belly. I am now 18 months post-op, and before the TT was 132.5, and so far have gotten down to 130. Before the TT I was wearing mostly size 6 on the bottom, with an occasional 4 and a rare 8. I am guessing that I may get into a 4 more regularly, but can't afford to re-buy everything. I will just be happy not to get my belly caught in my jeans zipper anymore, LOL!!
   — Fixnmyself

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