I have I have to do another blood test Monday to have my poitassuim level checked an

My doctor is out of his office nurses said speak with him please if someone can help Iam afraid read that this can be dangerous Thank You Chrisitne Glover    — christine G. (posted on November 16, 2003)

November 16, 2003
Drink orange juice its a excellent source of potassium. Since you were low doidnt they give you any instructions on how to help it? If your still low they will give you a IV and fix it within a day for my wife jen. dont worry but drink lots of OJ even if its watered down. I had it too its a important but easily fixed.
   — bob-haller

November 16, 2003
Christine, I did an internet search on potassim rich foods and found a site that had a list of those foods. I posted it on my fridge and try to be sure I get plenty of those foods in my meals. Grapefruit and grapefruit juide is first on the list, Here are some other suggestions: tomato juice and V8 juice, green veggies (i.e., broccoli, asparagus), and all salt water fish including tuna. If you're not able to incorporate some of those into your meals, you can also get a potassium supplement. I saw a relatively inexpensive brand at Eckerd's. Good luck on your blood test. Here is the web address of the list I mentioned:
   —  SCbabe B.

November 16, 2003
My labs came back low also and my doctor perscribed Rx pot chlor SR capsules 10meq 2 caps 2 times a day, so far I hav had to remain on them for the past 5 months, and I will probably have to do so for quite some time. I have to open the capsules, into a very small amount of sf chocolate syrup along with my opened capsule of calcium citrate. everytime I have tried to swollow this large of capsule it gets stuck and hurts ouch! If it were that serious,to the point of deadly harm, they probably would have had you go to the emergancy room for prompt treatment. Good luck and go eat some banana, and diluted orange juice. :0)
   — wizz46

November 17, 2003
My potassium levels were very low. My heart was going nuts. Rather than give me meds, my Cardiologits put me on 1-2 glasses of low sodium V8 per day until I could start eating potassium rich foods in the quantity needed to keep my levels up. I felt better after 2 days of drinking V8.
   — M B.

November 17, 2003
I had alot of potassium problems that first six months. (See Late July 2001 on my profile). Anyway my regular doc (not surgeon) tried me on many potassium pills... and I still ended up in the ER for potassium by IV. Come to find out they were ALL TIME RELEASE pills. Then I was put on K-COR tabs. They worked. Also there is a salt substitute that is made out of "potassium". I don't like it, nor do I use it for "salt". However I do like to add it to my foods to give my body alittle extra potassium. I try to add it to foods that "disguse" it such as chili, gravies, soups and such rather than eggs where it would be tasted. People have alot of good advice here on what to drink. Add some of this stuff to your foods too and get the K-COR potassium pills too. All of this should help. But should you get any weird "feelings" such as I had, GET THY BUTT TO AN ER FAST! Hang in there! I only had potassium problems that first summer. So it seems to be a new post op problem.
   — Danmark

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