SPAGHETTI BOOBS! - Is it inevitable that I will get this after surgery?

I am 46 with a BMI of 40, yes I am full figured and don't like carrying this extra load. But is it inevitable that I will be exchanging a curvy full figure (which my husband happens to love) for a thin (which I would love) baggy, saggy suit. Has anyone my age managed to get through this without terrible skin. I am a summer girl who loves swimming, sun, shorts, will I be thinner but not like my skin? A tummy tuck is one thing but I have always liked my legs and boobs. Hope to hear some positive stories.    — Diane S. (posted on October 5, 2003)

October 5, 2003
Feel free to check out my profile- I was 41 when I had my surgery- My BMI was closer to 50- I have lost 106 pounds- I have maintained Curves (which my husband loves). I will be having a panniculectomy, but my skin is not that bad, I just always,even in my teens had a belly roll and decided I would like to have it removed. good Luck
   — ~~Stacie~~

October 5, 2003
Hi Denise, I am worried about the same thing. will you e-mail me when you find out @ [email protected]. my name is Valori and would love to hear from you. I am awaiting approval. Thank you so much!
   — valori

October 5, 2003
Hi, I am the same age and was pretty close to the same BMI pre-op, 8 months ago. I have lost 98 pounds, and am just about at my personal goal (below 150). I personally feel that my skin needs some nips and tucks. The stomach HAS to go. My breasts would be second, just wanting to put them back where they were in my teens, w/o implants. As for my arms and legs, my arms are actually pretty good, with just a little extra skin in the armpit area, but certainly livable if I don't intend to wear items with spaghetti straps. My legs are livable too, with just extra skin on my upper inner thighs, nothing that a tankini bathing suit with a skirt bottom won't hide. I wore shorts all summer, just not the ones that ride up your butt. I'd rather have thatskin than the scars that are left after leg and arm surgery. I wouldn't change things at all, definitely enjoying the resultsof surgery, even if removing the skin wasn't an option. I went from a size 24 to a 10, and although hubby likes the new me, he has had to learn to live with the collarbones and hip/rib bones being prominent. Oh well!! Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

October 5, 2003
It's hard to say. If you are firm, maybe you will keep your breasts in tact where they are. I was in a 44DD pre-op and now in a 40D, but they are drooping big time (they did before too). If I end up with "socks with rocks" I'll see the PS to make them look eye to eye again. It's all worth it, and I'm sure turning way more heads even with my droopy boobs these days then I did at 291. Good luck and God bless you!
   — Happy I.

October 5, 2003
I am 46years old. I too had a BMI of 40. I am almost at goal...RNY 3-11-03. I have skin issues. Tummy is not too bad but I have had a pot belly all my life and do not know what a flat tummy is. I have serious skin problems on my upper arms. They look like someone's Grandma. My inner thighs also have loose skin on them. As far as "Thelma and Louise" go..I was a 42D and am now a 36C. They do not hang as much as before but I think they feel empty, like deflated balloons. Hubby says they are fine and is thrilled to death with the entire package. I am now a size 8 and he has never known me to be this small. I wish I had better news for you. I think age has a lot to do with it. Our skin just do not have the elasticity it once had. I have not looked into plastic surgery yet and doubt my insurance would pay for it. Good luck to you!
   — Charlene W.

October 5, 2003
I always had a curvy hourglass shape pre-op. After I lost weight, I now have a thin athletic looking body. However, my boobs do hang to my belly button. Luckily, since my tt, my new belly button is much higher up on my stomach!! Seriously, the tt was the BEST surgery I could have ever had. I've also had liposuction and my arms done. My arms look great. For the first time in 20+ years, I actually bought spaghetti strap shirts and tops to wear next summer. I NEVER would have bought them prior to surgery because of all the ugly fat and turkey skin that I had. I would like to get my thighs done next, but I think I'm going to wait a year or so to have that done.
   — Patty H.

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