I dont go but about every 8 day and then i have to take something to make me go.

Has anyone had this problem are can help me out ?    — Lisa B. (posted on July 8, 2003)

July 8, 2003
since I never know which one their going to delete, I've copied this from my answer to your other question of a similar nature :>) this is just personal opinion, but it sounds like you MIGHT need more good carbs added to your diet..I found that by adding veggies, salad and some (VERY limited) whole grains to my diet my bowels work fine on their own and have since I started eating a variety of good-for-me things at around month 3. Have you tried discussing this with your doc or nutritionist?
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 8, 2003
Drink more water, exercise, and increase fiber.
   — Starrlina

July 8, 2003
Lisa, I make my own "protein/fiber" bars. Melt 6 squares of unsweetened chocolate and 4 Tablespoons of butter or margarine. Add 1/2 cup low fat peanut butter and 7-8 packets of Splenda. In another bowl, mix 6 scoops of chocolate whey protein powder and 2 and 1/2 cups of extra fiber All Bran. Add the melted mixture and stir it all together. Press mixture into 9"x 9" pan, sprayed lightly with cooking spray. Chill, then cut into 12 bars and wrap individually. Keep refrigerated and eat one every day! Yes, they have some fat, carbs, and calories, but they are very portable and pretty darned tasty, too. (The nutritional breakdown will vary according to the ingredients you use, such as the peanut butter and the protein powder.) It's well worth the calories, etc., if it takes care of the "problem". I try to get plenty of water and eat salad and other veges every day (ears are getting longer and I'm starting to hop around!) but I can really tell the difference if I don't have one of these little gems every day! Hope this helps!
   — koogy

July 9, 2003
I eat a salad everyday for lunch (1/2 cup mixed greens, sunflower seeds, chicken, and 1 Tablespoon salad dressing) and since then, I am VERY regular. Prior to that I was like you. I read an interesting article about ice berg lettuce though, they say that it takes much longer to digest and to avoid it, well, I found it to be true, I buy the bags of radichio, romaine, frisse (any of the fancy kind) and it really works. I know it costs more, but in one week I still haven't eaten the bag. I usually throw it out. (Now I throw it away because I can't finish it before it goes bad, before I threw it away, because I never even opened it before it went bad) I also mix a granola with my yogurt (I found the granola at it has flax and soy it in, and is very tasty, but these two things really have made a difference. Hope it helps
   — Dana B.

July 9, 2003
I tried salad and prunes and whole grain bread and they did not work so I tried a fiber supplement called Benefiber. It is clear and has no taste and I mix mine with my flavored water or diet iced tea. 2 scoops in 8 ounces of water everyday has done the trick for me.
   — Kristen S.

July 9, 2003
You may think I am crazy, but POPCORN keeps me regular! Just a cup or two of popcorn the night before works for me!
   — Terri G.

July 9, 2003
I take peri-colace (OTC stool softener with mild laxitive)2 X's a day and then Milk Of Mag 2-3 X's a week. If I don't do this I would never go. This regimen has brrn aproved by my doctor. I still only go 1-2 times a week.
   — Jan S.

July 9, 2003
My heart goes out to you. I have suffered (and I do mean suffered) from this problem for almost 3 years. It's the ONLY negative side effect I've had from WLS. I've found a couple of things that work for me. I'd seen several posts on here about a tea called Smooth Moves (you find it with the herbal teas or at a health food store). I never tried it because I was just sure it wouldn't work for me. WRONG! I picked some up on a whim and tried it and it has worked like a charm. Make sure you sweeten it with Splenda or something and even then it's not too delicious but it's SO worth it! Another thing that helps on a regular basis is Uncle Sam's Cereal (in the healthy cereal section) mixed with Kashi Go Lean (kind of hard to find but Target has it). It's very effective at keeping you regular but be sure to eat it at night because it can cause some gas. The tea has proven most effective for me. This is an ongoing problem for WLS patients - I can't wait till someone finds the perfect cure! Best wishes to you.
   — ronascott

July 9, 2003
I too had the same problem at about 5 months post-op. I saw my primary care physican. She prescribed a prescription for it. I tried all the reccommendations I got. I tried hot liquids, excessive artifical sweetners, stool softeners and additional fiber. Nothing, not even the presciption helped. I had a referral to see a specialist. My nutritionist suggested it could be one of two things. I either needed more fat in my diet to help move things along or to add fruit. I added the fruit and it worked. I wasn't eating any fruit at all. I though it was just extra calories I didn't need. Now it is a regular in my diet. It depends on how far out you are post op on whether to add fruit yet or not. Check with your dr. or nutritionist. You are not the first person to have this problem. They may have suggestions for you.
   — june22

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