Question about calories

As many of you know, constipation is a very common problem with WLS patients. I am 2 1/2 years post op and still deal with this problem on a regular (or irregular as the case may be)basis. I have tried EVERYTHING and I do mean everything that I've seen posted here as well as lots of remedies recommended by my physician. His latest remedy is mineral oil. He said to try 1 Tablespoon before bed. If that didn't work try 2 Tablespoons. If that didn't work try 3 Tablespoons. Well, as you can imagine - I'm using 3 Tablespoons and it's been somewhat effective. HOWEVER, there's a problem......I've been struggling to lose 15 pounds. I've done everything right....protein, exercise, food, water.....everything. It's not a plateau because I've been at the same weight for a year. Anyway, I was looking in the cabinet the other night and glanced up at the cooking oil and saw that it has 135 calories per Tablespoon. It made me wonder about the calories in Mineral Oil. I've checked with the nutritionist at the hospital and she doesn't have specific information on Mineral Oil but says that as a general rule all oil has between 135 and 150 calories per Tablespoon which means I may be slugging back as many as 450 extra calories each night right before bedtime!!!!! I'm glad the Mineral Oil has been effective but not at the price of gaining weight from it. Does anyone out there have any idea how many calories are actually in mineral oil? Thanks alot!    — ronascott (posted on May 27, 2003)

May 27, 2003
Wow! What a dilema. I couldn't find the calories for mineral oil, but did want to pass along this info from the website: "Mineral oil is a laxative and carries a warning against long-term use because of its effects on nutrients, the risk of laxative dependence, and other potential side effects". What struck me is the nutrient part, especially since we have to worry about that post-op. I guess you've tried the colace/benefiber route? This helps me. I hope you find something! Good luck.
   — mom2jtx3

May 27, 2003
My IMPRESSION is (and I could be wrong) that mineral oil is not absorbed, but rather coats the intestine and "slides" everything along. So anything it's sliding along won't be absorbed, either - hence, that's how it would effect nutrition. If this IS how it works, then I sort of doubt that calories would be absorbed, either. But probably the people who would know best are those who manufacture the mineral oil. I suppose you could call them directly...
   — johanniter

May 27, 2003
I know this doesn't answer your question but I use Senecot. You can buy it over the counter at Walmart. I went to a specialist and this is what ( after $$$ of tests) he put me on. I am one of those that if I don't take something I just don't go..I have taken mineral oil before but I just can't go that nasty stuff anymore..Good Luck!!
   — Sharon1964

May 27, 2003
I have tried everything except (mineral oil), and the thing I find the most effective is a tea you can find in the health food stores. It is called Smooth Move and has no caffine or calories. I use sweet n low and it tastes fine. It works over night.
   — Tawnda C.

May 27, 2003
Rona, this is a quote that I found in an article in the Washington Post. "A dose of mineral oil, a highly purified petroleum product, for example, passes straight through the body unchanged. But along the way it lubricates the entire digestive tract and acts as a laxative." I interpret this to mean that the oil is not broken down, therefore you would not be taking in any calories by using it. Hope that helps.
   — Lori B.

May 28, 2003
Have you tried cold tomato juice or V8 it helps me and taste yummy.
   — wizz46

May 30, 2003
Hi there! My daughter had chronic constipation the first 3 yrs of her life. We tried everything; prune juice, increased fluids, Senecot, Milk of Mag, you name it. Finally took her to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist who prescribed what was then a brand new product called Miralax. Miralax is odorless, colorless, and has no texture. It dissolves in any liquid. At that time it only cost about $22 a container(per month). It might as well be called MIRACLE LAX because it performed miracles for my daughter including a major positive change in her behavior! Instead of coating the intestines like most of the other products work, it draws fluid out of the intestine. No side effects so far. You have to be careful when you start it cuz it can give you diarrhea; it will take a while for you to get the dose that is right for you. It certainly doesn't taste as bad as mineral oil and I don't believe it has any calories. Ask your doc about it and good luck! Michelle from Iowa
   — michelle57

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