I'm afraid I'll have to get extra skin rermoved

I have been seriously considering WLS for over a year, but I'm afraid that I will have to get plastic surgery to get the extra skin removed. I can only afford WLS because my insurance pays for it, but I could never afford plastic surgery. I know a girl who had WLS and she has to wear long sleeve shirts and long pants every day because her skin hangs too low. I live in Arizona, TOO HOT!!! Does anyone have suggestions that can ease my mind?    — Ruesnod (posted on May 16, 2003)

May 16, 2003
I can't answer for sure...maybe some post-ops who had your similar starting weight can help. I did notice that you are 25 and that your weight gain has been more recent so the good new is you have age on your side and your skin might have elasticsity left and will snap back. Also, if you did have excess skin that caused medical problems like rashed insurance might pay for it. You never know until you try!
   — Sarahlicious

May 16, 2003
Unfortunately, there are so many factors that weigh into having excess skin after losing weight. And sometimes it all just comes down to genetics and luck! I had great factors- I'm 23 and was only obese for 5 years and had a little over 100lbs. to lose. After 1 year, i lost all my extra weight and now weigh 130lbs. The bad thing: i have saggy boobs and do have some excess skin. The good thing: It's only on my stomach, my arms, neck, legs, butt, everywhere else looks great. And my stomach doesn't hang and is really not that bad, may not even be enough for a TT. And in clothes it looks like I have a pretty flat stomach. So, you really won't know until you lose it all, sorry to have to tell you that. But having some extra skin is 100 times better than having all that skin with fat underneath! Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 16, 2003
I am 27 and have lost 119# only have 14# until goal weight. I am seeking PS now only so I can wear the clothes I want to wear, but my skin is shrinking with time, so I hoping I wont need the PS, but im going to find out when I see the plastic surgeon next month if I should wait or go for it. I have saggy arms, stomach, inner thighs and saggy boobs(whats left of them lol)It's really not that bad, but It bothers me. If my insurance wont cover it then it stays! Good luck!
   — Sandy M.

May 16, 2003
ALOT depends on your age,genetics, starting weight, and length of time you have been morbidly obese. Once past the age of 35, your skin's elasticity is not as great, if you are fair skinned or if your genetics have a tendency to wrinkle early, if your starting weight is extremely high and if you have been morbidly obese for 5+ years, the greater the likelihood that you will have hanging skin. However, BCBS and many other providers will pay for the panniculectomy and breast lift. As for the long sleeves and pants, do you mean to tell me that short sleeves and shorts are ok on a fat person, but not on a person with wrinkly skin? Tis all vanity...(and I know exactly what you mean...I wouldn't wear shorts either when it looked like I had a second vagina that hung to my mid thighs...and wouldn't wear short sleeves when it looked like I had scrotaal sacs hanging on my arms). But then again, the grand total I paid for plastic surgery on my legs and arms was around $10K. Easily accomplished with a clear credit card balance...
   — merri B.

May 17, 2003
Odds are very good that if your insurance pays for the WLS that you can usually get them to cover some (if not all) needed reconstructive surgery. I should think that you shouldn't have too much trouble with it, especially in AZ as you will sweat in your folds a lot and that creates rashes and such. Just document it VERY well with your PCP.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 17, 2003
HHHmmmmm....It's too hot to have excess skin but not too hot to have 100 or so extra pounds hanging off you??? I take the skin anyday. Besides, I'm finding that it makes a lovely slapping noise if you run (sorry had to throw that in lol). I'm giving myself some time to see if I can get 'relatively' flat on my own before I worry about it, but there are financing companies that will help you out.
   — Kimberley E.

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