I take Citrical once a day............

Can i take the Caltrate calcium chewables....i just spent $15 on it yesterday and i cant take it back because i already opened it ....also plaese tell me if my weight loss is going good, i lost 120lbs in 9 months..i have not lost any in 2 months .. i started at 334 and had a successful lap 4/2002....and my last ? is since my surgery i have not had my blood work or other test done yet ..i will be having it on the you think that is to long that i haven't had any test done post op....thank you    — stacey T. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
I would think you could take the calcium. 120 pounds in 9 months sounds great. It looks like you are at about 70% weight lost and now have to work a little harder at losing the rest. I know I'm at that 70% place and it is getting harder each day to lose. It seems every doctor does test at different times. Mine does them every 3 months for the first 2 years then yearly upto 10 years out.
   — barbara A.

January 26, 2003
Citracal is the one you want, of those 2. But you need more than once/day. Caltrate is carbonate form. You could maybe use them up at 1 per day, but otherwise, I wouldn't take them at all.
   — vitalady

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