Help!! My plantar fasciitis is kicking back in with a vengenance!!

The steroid shot really eased up the pain that I last received in June. I am scheduled for open RNY in 10 days--has anyone out there gotten that Big Boy steroid shot that goes in the foot PRIOR to surgery? I know steroids aren't something to be messed with around surgery. But I'm afraid it will GREATLY impact my mobility post-op--and i do intend on being very mobile. Any experience out there?    — Wannabe A. (posted on November 2, 2002)

November 2, 2002
You should of course, discuss this with your surgeon and podiatrist. But, I just wanted to let you know that there IS light at the end of the tunnel! My plantar faschitis went away completely just a few months after surgery and I had no more pain in my feet. I used to have to get steriodal injections in my feet too. At the time right before surgery, for me, I did not have a flair up with the faschitis so I couldn't tell you how to handle it. But I did have two painful and infected ingrown toenails (which I had surgery on a few weeks after rny). If your doc says no injections, then just get some very good shoes (and maybe some specialty insoles), do your exercises that I'm sure the podiatrist advised (the stretching) and don't let it stop you from walking. Just walk slow and often. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!!!! (lap rny april 8, 2002-down to 149 from 245 at 7 mo post op)
   — A. S.

November 2, 2002
WE cured my fascitis without the steroid shots. Well I did have one steroid shot, but it was only a temporary fix and I swore like a truck driver while getting it. I went to a podiatrist who specialized in sports medicine. He wrapped my feet very securely with an artificial arch. I had three wraps that lasted for a total of six weeks. It has now been over five years and it has never returned.
   — Sue A.

November 2, 2002
I too had to get the shots in my feet for 6 months prior to my surgery, believe me, the shot hurts alot less than the pain from p.f.~ I am 13 months post-op and have lost 160#, i havent had a problem since i came home from the hospital!
   — Tricia C.

November 3, 2002
Hi I was a sufferer of plantar faciitis, and am also a nurse, who is on her feet all day. My sister, also a nurse, suffered from it also. Mine went away by switching brands of shoes. I now wear Merrel shoes, and told my sister about it also. Neither of us have it now. Good luck, I know how bad it hurts!
   — januaryrn

November 3, 2002
I had surgery for my plantar fasciitis after 6 steroid injections. I also had a spur removed at the same time. I now wear orthodics (dotor made ones) in my shoes. I also stretch that area everyday by hanging my heels over a step. It helps alot. I thought the surgery to release that ligament was a godsend. I would get the RNY then maybe fix the foot. Good Luck
   — Jan S.

November 3, 2002
I am pre-op and also suffer from Plantar Fasciitis. I am doing two things to help prior to surgery - 1) daily visits to my physical therapist for treatments, and 2) visited my podiatrist who took xrays and discovered I have really bad spurs on both feet and chronic Plantar Fasciitis on both feet. My Podiatrist recommended the new laser surgery to remove the spurs - but not until AFTER my RNY surgery. In the meantime, she suggested I wear the new BROOKS ADDICTION walking shoes - which have helped tremendously. Hope you can try them as well and get some relief post-op. For a more business look - try the Dansko clogs. Check with your doctor, but I would not suggest getting any more steriod shots until you are well post-op. Keep us posted!
   — Beverly C.

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