I'm 5

I know everyone is different, but looking to see how things went for you. Like how fast did weight come off, any complications? I think we are considered lightweights? Is That correct?    — Christi S. (posted on August 29, 2002)

August 29, 2002
You're 5? I really don't think this surgery is appropriate for five year olds. Perhaps if you were to cutdown on the Happy Meals and the juice boxes, you may be able to lose weight without having to have surgery. I don't know where you'd find a doctor who would operate on a five year old because...Okay, I'll stop. LOL Just being silly. Something was obviously cut off on your question. I'm pre-op, so I can't help you.
   — Jon W.

August 29, 2002
Christi, tried to read up on you on your profile, and theres nothing much there. I gather from your BMI of 41 that you are a lightweight. Those who are 250 pounds and under are usually in the lightweight category and yes, we lose less weight and less fast than those who have much more to lose, but on a good note, we still lose-rapidly in the beginning and it does slow down past the six month mark. Some have had complications, and some do not. I suggest you read some profiles of others to get an idea of how others did. Good luck to you!
   — Cindy R.

August 29, 2002
I was 5'4", 263 when I had surgery. I'm almost 9 months (Sept. 9th will be 9 months) post op and am down 90 pounds. I did have complications though. Had pneumonia and fluid build up between my left lung and diaphragm, and spent a month in the hospital! Weightloss slowed down for me at around month 7. Had dreaded plateau from month 7 to 8. Another 6 pounds came off in the past 2 weeks, so looks like things are moving again
   — Kim B.

August 29, 2002
I'm 5'2" and started out at 260#. My most rapid weightloss occurred in the first six months. I lost 90# by the end of 10 months and have been on a frustrating plateau since April. Supposedly that's common with us "light-weights" but it's still hard when others say they've lost over 100# in the same period of time!! Good luck to you.
   — LLinderman

August 29, 2002
Hi I am another "lightweight", I had Open RNY 11-12-01 and started out at 253 lbs, by 4 months I had lost 100 lbs and now I am 9 months post op and am down by -135 lbs. Hope this helps:)
   — Lynda T.

August 30, 2002
I'm still early on, but wanted to let you know how I'm doing as a lightweight. Absolutely no complications, very easy recovery. Started at 252, 5'7". Surgery 6/11/02. Not quite three months later I've lost 56+ lbs. I am currently at 195.5. No plateaus, yet....
   — cjabates

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