What is this pain on my right side?

Hello, everyone. I am going back to work tomorrow, and I am in pain :( Last week (during vacation) I woke up with a sharp pain in my right side, just about where the rib cage ends. I chalked it up to sleeping on my belly too long and it faded away. Well, now it's pretty constant. It seems to hurt more when I twist around or bend over. Could it be a muscle thing? I did go on some pretty tight-fitting roller coasters that hung me upside down :) I am afraid that anatomy 101 might indicate a gallbladder problem. Any ideas? P.S. to describe the area better...under my right boob, but further down below to where the ribs end.    — Kelly C. (posted on August 27, 2002)

August 26, 2002
Kelly- Does your pain wrap around to your back? I've had a similar pain that waxes and wanes for months now that wraps around to my back right underneath my rib cage. Lately it has been more constant. My Dr. said that it may be my gallbladder.I have an ultrasound scheduled for Thursday so I'll let you know if they find anything. I haven't had surgery though, so members who have; probably would know more about the pains of postop wls. Good luck. Hope it feels better soon!
   — denisel

August 27, 2002
I'm not a doctor but get your gallbladder checked. Even if just to rule out that problem. That's where my pain is and it's with me all the time now. I am scheduled to have it removed with the WLS on 9/16/02. Good luck!
   — Nell C.

August 27, 2002
As a post op i have two thoughts, one possibly your gallbladder i had pain in the same place and it went over my shoulder to my back. Now that it's gone haven't had any problems. The second could be a muscle right where the retractor was placed if you had the open procedure. I had it on the left side after surgery and hurt when i moved a certain way and i was told that was where the retractor was placed during surgery. But in anycase get it checked out to rule out gallbladder. Good Luck
   — Tammy N.

August 28, 2002
Hello....I am a post-cholecystectomy pre-op (a post-op pre-op) haha.....and your pain sounds exactly like mine did before they took out my gallbladder. Is it sometimes accompanied by nausea or vomiting? Is it brought on by certain foods? See if you can have an ultrasound or better yet, a nuclear medicine scan called a HIDAscan that tests gall bladder function. My ultrasound tests all appeared normal until the HIDA. Let me know how it turns out! Good luck. I know that's no fun.
   — RedHeadBeauty

August 28, 2002
Sounds like the gallbladder should have been taken out when they did your surgery. Don't wait to find out what the problem is, get it corrected now. Gallbladder problems if not treated lead to medical emergencies that involve the liver & pancrease. My daughter had this problem after her stomach surgery. She waited to long before she had it check & became very ill. Please take our advice.
   — Mary H.

August 31, 2002
You need to have this checked. I suffered from sharp pains under my right boob for a long time. I was chicken to have it checked. It turned out to be acid reflux. It could be acid reflux or gallbladder so please have this checke out. It could be serious. The pain will only increase. Eventually you will feel like someone has kicked you in the ribs so go to the doctor. It could be acid reflux and medication will stop the pain.
   — Stephania H.

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