Ladies: I have PCOS, I have not had a period since losing 96lbs...

I thought by losing this weight I would start to get it on my own. Haven't had one in a few years without BCP's. Has anybody out there experienced the same? I was wondering if I went to my GYN and she put me on Provera if that one dose would jump-start my periods.I don't want to take BCP's again. Any ideas? Thanks! ~ Debbie    — Deborah F. (posted on August 9, 2002)

August 9, 2002
I wish I could help more. I too have PCOS and have lost 101 lbs since my surgery date of March 12, 2002. I started my periods on my own again right after surgery. I know how you feel about BCPs because I hate them too. However I made a decision to go on them to prevent pregnancy, that would be a bad thing right now. And even tho I have spent the last 8 years unable to conceive I did not want to take any chances. My GYN however said that if I did not need the birth control he would have recommended nothing until I was one year out. He said with the massive weight loss there is no way to predict when a period may start, and how heavy it may be. Personally I think I may have started ovulating again, stranger things have happened. But now I am on BCPs and they do not seem to be affecting my weight like they did in the past. Take care :) Send me an email if you would like to chat.
   — smedley200

August 9, 2002
Patience, Grasshopper, patience.....You've just lost 100lbs in just 4/5 months. I am sure your body/hormones/system/cycle is just going to need a little more time to figure itself out. Before you jump on the pill for a quick fix, give your hormones time to catch up- and see what your body can do for itself. My Endo said it may take up to 2 years post-op for my hormones to get "remotely normal" and so I feel that you need to just WAIT. Not to knock your Gyn- but what does your Endo say? This is not just a reproductive issue, it is an endocrine disorder and you may want a second opinion. Sure, your reproductive system is affected by PCOS, but it does not the cause of PCOS. So in all reality, you are just sticking a "band-aid" on the issue. I suggest staying off the pill for right now, go and see what the Endo can do for you. See if the Endo suggests the pill.....
   — Karen R.

August 9, 2002
GET THE PROVERA!!!! I had PCOS and did not have regular periods for a year. I was low risk for endometrial cancer because I had 8 pregnancy (3 live births), but I got it anyway. You have to have a period. If you don't, the endometrium builds up and can invade the walls of the uterus. It is not pretty. Get the provera and use it regularly (30 day cycle). Check with your endo and see if they concur. I'd love to here what they say.
   — Jeanna M.

August 9, 2002
I totally agree with the last poster....Go see your GYN!!! I too have PCOS and have had a uterin cancer scare due to the thickening of the walls of the uterus. I never had a "period" but bled for a 9 month stretch. I am now on a monthly dose of progesterone to keep me regular. PLEASE go see your Doctor it isn't something to mess around with especially being diagnosed with PCOS. Take care of yourself!!!
   — Deanna_K

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