this is not as easy as i thought - help me please!

5 wks post op- had one scope/dialation at end of 3 weeks, having another shortly-lost 36 pounds - yah! i have been lucky the past 2 days, no vomiting, i have vomited on a somewhat regular basis since 2 weeks (post op) when i introduced soft solids into my life. past 2 days i had paid attention to portion, eating slow and chew, chew, chew! it worked! i felt almost better then normal! until tonight. didn't pay attention as good as i should and vomit again. (i am sorry if this is making you sick) i feel terrible, i was doing so good :( does it ever stop? when can i feel somewhat normal again? any suggestions on getting the timing and portion size down so that i don't get please! and thanks...    — Susan B. (posted on June 15, 2002)

June 15, 2002
HI Susan: I stayed on the soft food till I was confident that it was going to stay down. I vomited til 6 wks after surgery then they finally scoped me. What a world of difference...I eat anything now!!!!YIPPEE!!!! but still at 10 mos have to eat nice and slow...I still have made it part of my lifestyle to(when at home) chop everything up in little tiny pieces then I eat with my fingers one piece at a time. I never "sit down" to eat a meal..all my meals are on the bite at a time & about every 2 minutes I take another bite till i am done with the portion that I have put in my little bowl. I use custard cups instead of regular size dishes. Even at 10 mos I only eat about 1/2 of a custard cup with finely chopped meat. I also "grind up" chicken, turkey or ham in my meat chopper till you can't tell what it is and then I mix it with mayo and hard boiled eggs,onion and seasonings. It is almost like a paste and I eat a couple of spoons of that 3-4 times a day on a cracker or two. Seems to work really well for me that way...if the crackers are too dry just eat the nice moist meat paste...I also make a jello with lots of protein that is great also 1 box jello (small) 1 c hot water (to disolve jello) 1 c milk 1 c cottage cheese Chill and let set...TONS & TONS OF PROTEIN....Stays down really well also........
   — Joi G.

June 15, 2002
"This is a tool." Well it sure is and if you don't learn you hurl. It seems kind of cruel but it sure worked for me. I had about the same experince as you. This is what worked for me use a baby spoon and only eat eraser sized pieces thay are chewed 30 times. Then wait 1 min till you eat the next bite. Seems extreme but it works. ---Good Luck
   — Robert L.

June 15, 2002
Susan, I did the same thing when I thought that I was "used" to the size of my pouch. I started eating too much and "had" to throw it up just to make myself comfortable. (I called it taking the top off) I even called my surgeon because I thought there was something wrong with me and he sent me for a Gastro-swallow. Well there was nothing wrong with me, I was just being a pig again and had to learn when to stop! I know several others who did this to so it's common. What I did was got a small plate (that was MY plate), instead of large plate with less food, I had a small plate with lots of food. And you will learn where your stopping point is. Hope this helps!
   — Sherry C.

June 15, 2002
I had the same problems, and I think most people do. It's not uncommon. However, my doctor told me to use a toddler fork and spoon to eat with, smaller portions. It worked. I didn't have the problems!
   — dolphins94

June 16, 2002
A friend of mine had trouble with vomiting after every meal until she placed a mirror on the table where she ate and started watching herself eat. She said for some reason, this was the cue she needed to s-l-o-w down and pay attention to how much she was putting in her mouth and pouch. The vomiting is a pain, but it will be the reason you succeed because it will teach you this very hard to remember lesson. I know as I have certainly done my share of post surgery puking.
   — Bobbi G.

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