Has anyone had a cold prior to surgery

HELP!!! I am getting sick and I'm scheduled for surgery on 5/23, Will the Dr. cancel my surgery if I have a cold or any ideas what I can take to get rid of this fast???    — Cindy W. (posted on May 21, 2002)

May 21, 2002
Fluids Fluids and more Fluids, in bed with suitable symptom relievers, if you're not sick with something that you should be on antibiotics for. All you can do is pray it'll be gone by then because the Dr could / should reschedule the surgery if you're sick. Keep in mind this is major surgery and a virus can invade your weak immune system causing more complicating side effects. :( Good luck in your journey :) Keep your chin up :)
   — Elizabeth D.

May 21, 2002
I don't know if it was a cold or not but about 3 days before I was scheduled for surgery I got a really bad cough, stuffy nose and sore throat. My Dr. said that as long as I didn't have a fever it would be no problem. I didn't and I had the surgery as scheduled. Good Luck
   — Leah H.

May 21, 2002
I got a headcold 2 days before surgery and was VERY afraid that they wouldn't operate. I did my Nyquil and Dayquil and tried to get more rest than usual. I went in the morning of surgery with a stuffed up nose, hacking cough, ringing ears, and a generally feeling like crap feeling. I told the nurse the truth, but since I didn't have a fever, I was ok to go through with surgery. The nurse told me to let the anestesiologist (spelling?) know I had a headcold, though. My surgeon automatically gives anibiotics in your IV before and after surgery, so when pretty much all of my symptoms disappeared, I was thrilled!! Don't know how your surgeon practices, but this was my decision last Thursday. Good luck and God Bless!!
   — rdszakacs

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