Has anyone with Lupus had the open RNY surgery?

would like to know how u did with the surgery and after the surgery also what type of lupus do u have thank you very much    — devon C. (posted on March 2, 2002)

March 2, 2002
Yes I had open RNY and two revisions with sle and dle.. I , fortunately have mild cases, with no real major organ involvement.. It also helped that I wasnt on steroids before surgery ... only occasionally when in a flare do I need those... I did go into flares after each of my three surgeries, but the flares did not last very long.. I heal a bit more slowly, and have experienced many of the complications that can occur with this type of surgery.. If you want to know more about what my experiences are, feel free to email me direct at [email protected] Take care
   — Gina Landers

March 2, 2002
Hi. I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1993. I have the systemic type. I am allergic to steroids, so don't take them. The added pain and stress the extra weight was putting on my arthritic joints was one of the reasons I decided to pursue WLS. At 290 lbs ( and only 5'0" tall) I was at the point where I could barely walk. I work part time as a teacher, so this was causing me great difficulty. It was a big decision as I knew I would no longer be able to take the 800mg of Motrin I was on 4 times a day. We all have to carefully weigh the pros and cons before we make this life changing decision. Those of us with Lupus, or any chronic disease need to do plenty of research and ask our doctors many questions before deciding if this is the right decision for our lives. My Doctors were supportive of my having the surgery. I had an open RNY on September 11th. ( that is another story - I was in surgery when the tragedy happened) Losing so much weight so quickly has sent me into a flare-up (or it could have been something unrelated to the surgery, who knows?). I've felt pretty crummy for about 3 weeks. On the plus side, I have lost 104 lbs, Praise God! I am now able to walk a mile as opposed to having trouble crossing a room. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the Motrin. :) I take Celebrex which is not as effective, but is easier on the pouch. My doctor also allows me to take Vicoden as I need it. Best wishes to you as you make this decision.
   — Bobbie B.

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