Has anyone used any skin firming lotions post op?

If so...which kinds worked best for you? I am curious to know if that will help, even a little bit, after my surgery to cut back on excess skin. I was just wondering if the skin firming lotions worked or it was just all hype!    — Denise S. (posted on January 16, 2002)

January 15, 2002
I bought Jergan's skin firming lotion - it was nice, but I couldn't take the smell. It wasn't BAD, I just disliked it enough to stop using it. Havn't seen any others. I do like cocoa butter.
   — M. A. B.

January 15, 2002
I think if you keep your skin moisturized (using ANY lotion) and more importantly, hydrated (by drinking lots of water) and not smoking, it can help your skin firm up to a CERTAIN degree. If you have a lot of excess skin, in most cases, it will not TOTALLY bounce back and you may need to consult a plastic surgeon if you desire.
   — Karen B.

January 16, 2002
Denise, I haven't used a skin-firming lotion since my surgery, but I did try one before. I used one on my thighs and it did work, but you have to keep using it to keep the results. At $30 a tube, I decided I could live with the cellulite, lol!
   — [Anonymous]

January 16, 2002
I have used the Jergins skin firming lotion and body wash since the day of surgery, and I really do think it has helped some. I honestly thinl the stretch marks on my tummy are much less noticable and my skin seems firmer there and my arms and thighs..Good luck!!!
   — Donna S.

January 16, 2002
Hi, whatever you do, do not use the avon cellulite control firm up gel. I have sold Avon for a while, and I decided to use this, and I can tell you, instead of buns of steel, I had buns of fire. lol, I felt like someone had put a burning mint tree on my ass LOL. I never found out if it worked, becuase the intense sting and cold like fire was more then I could take for more then a few mornings. I would like to try that Jergens lotion though.
   — Carey N.

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