My doctors diet says to stay on clear liquids for 2 weeks

I was so weak and had no energy yesterday I had a protein shake an I felt so much better.what should I Be eating?    — Bonnie S. (posted on January 14, 2002)

January 14, 2002
Liquid diet is the protein shakes. I was on an all liquid diet for 4 weeks. 4oz. of protein shake, every three hours (as I recall) and also water, caffeine free tea, broth, jello, cyrtal light. Please check with your surgeon, he should have given written instructions!!!!!!
   — [Anonymous]

January 14, 2002
My surgeon had me eating mashed potatoes, and shredded beef the day I was allowed to start eating, and drinking. I was not put on any clear liquid diet. However I did choose to consume mostly pureed, and liquid foods, because those give me least amount of trouble. Basically go with your gut. if it starts to hurt when you eat it stop! If you throw up, STOP! Seems pretty simple to me.
   — sbinkerd1

January 14, 2002
I was on clear liquids for 10 days, and then went to full liquids. I am now 4 weeks post-op, and hope to move to pureed foods tomorrow. The only difference between the two thatI havefound is: yogurt, cottage cheese, sugar free pudding, cocoa, cream of chicken soups, milk, and protein powders. I find that when I forget my multi-vitiamn I get tired. Otherwise, I am doing great even on just liquids.
   — Rebecca N.

January 16, 2002
I wont assume I know enough to tell you anything contrary to your doctor, but here's a clear liquid that might help: "Pure Pro" It's a clear whey protein drink with no sugar that tastes great. A whole bottle has 40g protein and sure keeps my energy up. (I'm 4 weeks post op and still having a hard time with solids, so protein drinks have become my staple.) You can get Pure pro in the cooler of your local GNC.
   — Lisa T.

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