Anyone experience a pain or lump while eating?

Hello, I am 2 weeks post op and have been doing great. 2 days ago, I went to take my vitamins and as soon as I took the magnisium, if felt as though it lodged itself in my espohagus. From that point, everything I ate seem to give me a pain in the chest. I have drank hot tea, and it seemed to relieve it a little bit, but now I am feeling it again. The only way I can describe the pain is that is it similiar to when you eat something cold very quicly and your esophagus tightens up. I am not eating anything cold, this happens with all my food, even my water now. Got any ideas? I have a call into the doctor, but thought I would ask here too!! Thanks (this is right between my breast)    — Kim M. (posted on October 18, 2001)

October 18, 2001
The same exact thing happened to me. It was a stricture and was fixed up with an endoscopy, which you're asleep for anyways. Strictures usually pop up around week 3 to 4. Perhaps this is the beginning. I'd call your surgeon and not only ask their opinion but tell them that you'd feel much better having had an endoscopy. Please do it, it's so worth it!
   — [Anonymous]

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