Why can't I have a Diet Coke? How does carbonated beverages effect you? ou

I am 1 month post-op from open rny. I am dying for a diet Coke. It is so hot in Texas and an ice cold Diet Coke would be so refreshing. So whats the deal will it really hurt me? Cause gas? Has anyone once else tried it?    — carol B. (posted on August 1, 2001)

August 1, 2001
Carol, My doctor allows me to have a diet soda if I want one, but I found that after taking just a few sips of one at about 2 weeks post-op, I didn't care for the taste or the feeling of fullness it gave me. I also find that a big cold glass of water satisfies me a lot better than a soda.
   — Gail M.

August 1, 2001
Hi Carol, I drink diet coke when ever I feel like one. I do however have to pour it in a glass and let it flatten a little before I can drink it. Check with your doctor, I don't see why you can't have one. Some people avoid them because of the sodium, and some people think the carbonation streches out the pouch. Good luck!
   — Pamela N.

August 1, 2001
My friend who had this surgery still drinks diet cokes. She cannot finish a whole one but it doesn't really bother her to drink it. All you can do is try if you feel like you really want one.
   — [Anonymous]

August 1, 2001
I used to be *addicted* to diet coke. I was at least a 6-packer a day, if not more. I'm 3.5 months postop now and I cannot stand Diet Coke. It's too fizzy and just tastes nasty to me. If I have to have caffeine, I make some tea, but usually just stick to milk or water.
   — jammie B.

August 1, 2001 my first support group meeting this very subject came up. We were told that the carbonation can stretch the pouch and can also cause gas which can be a little painful. Doctor said if you really want to drink it, stir it or whatever and get the fizziness out first.......then it is fine to drink. You can drink it fizziness and all when you are about 2 years post op. Hope this info helps........a bit of advice really should be concentrating on getting your water in and getting used to drinking water. Once you're used to drinking water, your body will crave it .........Good luck....K Bisson
   — Kim B.

August 1, 2001
Just after surgery I couldn't wait to have a diet coke/pepsi (my doctor requires us to be about 2 months post-op before you can drink them again) for about a month I had one almost everyday and it took me about a day to drink it! With all the carbonation it would make me burp alot! Although it tasted really good I found it wasn't worth the trouble, and a nice big glass of Chrystal Lite was much more refreshing without the burps!
   — DolcezzaVT

August 1, 2001
Carol, At a support group meeting recently they did an experiment with Diet Coke.....Take a ziploc bag and pour some Diet Coke into it and seal it. Take note of the bag bursting because of the carbonation. Your pouch will do the same...Is it really worth it??
   — Cheryl H.

August 1, 2001
I have two answers for you- One is a medical study that says too much phosphorus in carbonated drinks hinders the absorption of calcium- as you probnably know, getting enough usuable cascium is a problem for folks who have had an RNY- so if that is what you are having, your doc will probably advise against it- also, i am sure you've heard, the gas can be a big problem- then there is simply the question of WHY? That is what my doc said when I asked him about diet soda- why, when you neeed so much nutrition would you waste space with stuff that is painful. Some people have no trouble with calcium or with gas- you will have to wait and see- but, PLEASE do what your doc says- if he says no problem afetr 2 months, WAIT- if he says avoid them, then do- because this a a serious matter, your health, and you don't want to take risks for something like soda pop. your friend, Jo
   — jomu

August 1, 2001
Occassionly I'll drink a diet pop but I put SPLENDA in it for two reasons: 1. If you put Splenda in it and stur it up good it takes out half or more of the bubbles. Much easier to drink! 2. It makes it taste more like regular pop.
   — Danmark

December 2, 2004
In no way shape or form will you pouch burst! Its an absolute lie. I will say that it does cause gas at times but nothing as serious as you pouch bursting. I've had the surgery and I work as a nurse with many other patients who have had the surgery. They nor I have ever had a problem! Please know the facts before any one else scares somebody to death!
   — Ilostitall

December 2, 2004
as stated below, the ziplock bag can neither fart or burp. Hopefully we all can. LOL! just use common sense and think about it rationally rather than listening to every urban legend that comes along. I don't like diet pop, I love real coke & haven't had one since about 9/25/2002. My surgery date. I'd love one but the risk is I am an addict and can't stop with one. And I dump.... and I don't want to get obese again and I know that pop will make me go back where I was preop. I personally think most diet pops are foul tasting. I will occasionally maybe once a month have part of a sprechters diet root beer on top of a scoop of blue bunny no sugar added vanilla ice cream. diet root beer float. mmmm... it isn't too bad for a diet pop. It makes me feel bloated and I burp like a teenage boy for quite a while afterwards. You would have to figure out for yourself if it is worth it.
   — **willow**

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