I am 4 weeks post op and vomiting daily . Its usually after eating 3-4 bites of soft

   — Chenoah H. (posted on July 17, 2001)

July 17, 2001
Welcome to my world..... I'm almost 16 weeks out and the vomiting is slowing down to 4-5 days a week. My problem is MEAT, Fish, or soft bread products. My suggestion to you would be to keep real good track of what you've eaten before vomiting, and eat only ONE thing at a time so that you can find foods that DON'T make you vomit, (YES, there are some foods that you eat). Slow the eating down to a CRAWL and eat only half of what you think that you can. IF you feel okay in an hour, eat the other half. Unfortunately, I think this is an isssue that some of us have to play around with and find out what works for us. On the bright side, I saw my surgeon 2 weeks ago for my 3 month follow up and all but cried on his shoulder about the vomiting. After talking to me and asking some questions, he assured me that there was not a mechanical problem with my new tummy or else NOTHING would be going through. For Heavens sake.... I CAN eat popcorn, but NOT a tiny bit of tunafish! SO, the moral of this story is this..... take things S-L-O-W...... this is just the very beginning of the rest of your life. Things WILL get better. Good Luck!
   — Laurie L.

July 17, 2001
Have you been back to your doc? Have you had a scope? Unless you are overstuffing, you probably are not vomiting without reason. Your stoma can narrow just a little. Sure some close all the way, but even just a little can mess with you. Should be the size of a dime or nickel, but if the size of a pea, some things will go, some things won't. Since it can affect your wt loss AND your health, do be seen ASAP. The procedure is inconvenient (no driving due to drugs), but you are out for 20-30 minutes, so all you "feel" is the IV needle. You're in and out in an hour or two, and often able to eat lunch on the way home!
   — vitalady

July 17, 2001
Sounds like you might need to see your friendly neighborhood gastroenterologist and get the scope, darlin! :) I had the same problem as a few bites, get severe cramps and out it comes. My opening constricted to 6MM, which explained the cramps...I went in, got an iv of the best drugs that I have ever had, (I wasnt groggy at all..just felt like i was coming out of a nap..)the doc did his thing with the balloon and i woke up. Afterward you feel like you can eat like a horse and food flies down!! I had to have this done twice which is normal..some have to have it three times. So call your doctor and I hope you feel better soon :)
   — jammie B.

July 18, 2001
You may need to see your doctor. I had the same thing happen and found out my stomach had healed completely shut. All the doctor done was used a endoscope and opened up the end of my stomach. I could't even feel any pain during or after procedure. That probably is not what is going on in your case but it is better to be safe than sorry.
   — Anna H.

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