Will I be able to take my hormone meds right after surgury?

Just had hystorectomy in Nov. Am alergic to almost all of them, including all patches. The only one I can take is a small pill form. I am wondering if I will be able to take it right after surgury or not. Maybe ground up and put in some clear liquid?    — Susan G. (posted on June 10, 2001)

June 10, 2001
I was discharged from the hospital two days after my lap RNY and instructed to resume all my previous liquids, no crushing. I was receiving pain medication in tablet form while in the hospital, so I didn't anticipate any problems, and there were none. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

June 10, 2001
You should be able to resume all medications after surgery. You can crush them if you want to make it easier to swallow, but unless you Dr. gives a specific reason, just swallowing should be alright.
   — Janet W.

June 11, 2001
Yes, you can take your hormones right after surgery. I did.
   — Cindy H.

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