How do I survive six weeks liquids when at 4 days post-op I'm hungry?

My doctor requires that I stay on liquids for 6 weeks, but I'm only 4 days post op and already I feel hungry. I do know that some of this is head hunger, but about every two hours I feel physical hunger. I'm using Optimum Nutrition protein shakes and other liquid foods like low-fat cream soups. I'm just needing advise on how to follow my doctor's orders and not cheat. I've read and read on this site and honestly, I have noticed everyone else eats by three weeks post-op. What to do???    — Malinda M. (posted on May 10, 2001)

May 10, 2001
Oh no, not everyone. We are CLEAR for 4 weeks. No milk, no sugar, no creamed soups. The most exciting thing we get is protein shakes. Since they encourage us to get several in per day, that helped a lot. I had my surgery near Thanksgiving. If I was a TV watcher, I doubt if I would've survived it. But since I'm not, I just kept myself busy AWAY from the kitchen. Of course, we are human and designed to need food. It's not like you're naughty for "wanting" it. It's just normal. After all, you've been having food daily since you were born, right? You just have to figure out the head game that works best for you, or that's what I did. I imagined every bite NOT taken as a pound lost.
   — vitalady

May 10, 2001
I was only on liquids for 3 days after surgery. I got mashed pot., oatmeal and grits while I was still in the hospital. Why liquids for so long?
   — DeeDubbs

May 10, 2001
who's everyone? I wan on clear liquids for 4 weeks , and then I moved on to full liquids for 2 more. Just do what the doctor tells you. Don't watch any food commercials on tv, turn the chanel immediatly. Don't read any recepie books or look at pictures of food they will only stimulate your desire for food. Think of this surgery as your last chance at a normal life. Quit hurting yourself. I used the time on liquids to rest (i slept a lot) and to allow that new pouch to heal. 1 year later and at goal weight of 155 I will never go back . Nothing will ever taste as good as I feel now.Good luck. Nothing is easy but this is easier than any diet I have ever been on, because it works! And if you play your cards right You will never have to diet it again!
   — Rose A.

May 10, 2001
I am a pre-op but I was in the Optifast program about 12 years ago. On that program you are required to go on a 5 shake a day ONLY diet for 12 weeks, (or 3 months). I thought I was going to die the first week, but found if I exercised more and drank a lot of water, that I didn't have any problems. This was the hardest thing I had ever done in my life and even now I am amazed I did it! You can do this because that is what you have to do to succeed. You didn't go through all of this to this point just to mess up did you? No, of course not. You can overcome the head hunger by finding things to distract you that have nothing to do with eating or food. Once you make a habit of it, it gets easier and easier. Good luck.
   — Diana M.

June 15, 2001
I feel your pain. I'm 2 weeks post-op. I am hungry all the time. I have to do 3 weeks of clear liquids and then I will move to soft solids. But I'm to afraid not to follow doctor's orders. This is serious business.I don't think cheating is worth the risk.
   — Belinda J.

June 15, 2001
Who's everyone? I was on clear liquids 4 weeks and full liquids for another 1 before moving on to the pureed mess.I never watched food commercials or read anything that had to do with food, it helped. How do you do it , you ask? you do it because you have to and because it is six weeks out of the rest of your life. You do it one day at a time. Every day you tell yourself I just have to do this today. You will get through it , you will lose weight , you will look and feel better. Your new stomach and intestines will heal better and you will grow stronger and realize that you can get through this and that you CAN do anything. There are people out there who cannot have this surgery and would do anything if they could. You have been given a wonderful gift , use it well.
   — Rose A.

July 17, 2001
Talk to your doctor or nutritionist about this. I was also very hungry after my first week. I was miserable. I would drink my supplement, sip water and still feel hungry. I let my nurse coordinator know what was going on and after she discussed it with the nutritionist, I was allowed to start eating sugar-free yogurt, sugar-free pudding and mashed potatoes with protein boost. I too was originally told clear liquids 4-6 weeks, but they were prepared for exceptions. The addition of variety and substance has made 100% difference. I feel full and I feel better.
   — dbmbrown

August 7, 2001
Malinda, This soon after your surgery, your hunger might be in your brain, rather than in your stomach. Very few obese people have a realistic concept of hunger, so it'll take some time to adjust. You could always use the old trick of waiting 20 minutes, and if you're still hungry, it's "real" hunger, as opposed to emotional hunger.
   — MaryM.

October 10, 2004
I suppose every doctor is different. I am 3 days post-op and my doctor wants me to try mushy protiens like fat free sugar free yogurt and mashed potatoes. I thought this was a little odd because I've read that people are on clears for weeks but then again my doctor booted me out of the hopsital the day afyer my surgery. Perhaps he's just a fast mover.
   — soulz821

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