did any of you take phen-fen?

did any of you take the diet drug phrn-fen, if you did, even if you have no symptoms, please tell your doctor, and then see a lawyer, your health could be at risk, mine was. and now i have to have heart surgery..for more info please visit this thank you.. viola canton    — viola C. (posted on May 4, 2001)

May 4, 2001
I took phen-fen and had the cardiac tests afterward and everything was fine. Is being tested once enough?
   — georgiacarol

May 4, 2001
Yes, I did take Phen-fen! My doctor recommended this and I took it for over two years and he knew it shouldn't have been prescribed over that period of time. I now have severe aortic valve damage. I have a lawyer and a law suit pending!
   — [Anonymous]

May 4, 2001
I was on phen-fen for at least 10 months. I heard about the class action law suit, but I think it is too late. Thank you for the website address. Please post if you know of any way to get in the law suit. Thank you so much. :-)
   — [Anonymous]

May 4, 2001
I took phen-fen for over a year, which i found out later the doctor shouldnt of kept me on that long, But i had a EKG?? and it was fine.
   — C. L.

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