I thought you couldn't have a staple line disruption if you were transected?

I was just on the Message Board and noticed that a member is having a second surgery in 4 months to correct a staple line disruption. It seems she has ulcers. I thought you couldn't have a staple line disruption if you were transected? and I was under the impression that most if not all surgeons were transecting these days? Is this right? I am nervous because the other day I ate a lean cuisine bowl meal. It said "net weight 10 oz." and I was able to eat the whole thing!!! I had no pain or any other reactions, but this is definetely worrying me. Can someone please explain if you can have a disruption when you are transected and why was I able to eat so much?? Should I call my surgeon?? I know, lots of questions but I have faith that you guys can help me out. Open RNY Prox 10/31/00 -92 pounds.    — enjo4 (posted on April 12, 2001)

April 12, 2001
When researching the differences between lap RNY and open RNY, one surgeon told me that with the open RNY the stomach can be transected, stapled AND sutured, thus DRASTICALLY reducing the occurrence of disruption. He told me that with lap RNY, though, because of the small incisions and the size of tools used, it is not possible to suture so there is only a staple line, but the stomach can still be transected. I don't know if this is true for all surgeons who do lap RNY or if all open RNY patients are sutured. I don't know how much the suturing makes a difference in disruption and I still plan to have the lap surgery with the stomach transected. Hope this info helps! :)
   — Laura B.

April 12, 2001
Erin, I had my fobi pouch surgery done on 10/12/00 and have lost 108 pounds so far. I still have 62 to go. I don't believe there is a chance for staple line disruption because they cover the staple line with your intestine. I eat a whole weight watchers frozen meal everyday for lunch. As a matter of fact I'm eating one now. I have no problem finishing them. Helen
   — Helen C.

April 12, 2001
If you are transected, that means that you have two Separate stomachs which are no longer touching each other in any manner. The type of staple line disruption that you can no longer have in this case is one where the staples break open and then you can eat a whole lot more. This is impossible, because they are no longer connected. However, you CAN have a staple line disruption due to overeating drastically or with a stomach ulcer (a hole developes) and you will get super sick and probably die if it is not corrected right away because this would mean that your food is getting into your body cavity outside of your stomach. Does this make sense to you? Also, the reason you could eat that much is that the food goes through your pouch while you are eating. Without pain, I'd say you've done no damage. Don't worry and by the way, great loss so far!
   — Cindy H.

April 12, 2001
In the rarest of cases, the two stomachs can find each other, meet, grow together & the staple line disrupt. Very rare. BUt as to whether all surgeons transect? Nah, probably 50/50 at this point. Also, with your 10 oz? That's 10 oz of WT, not 10 oz of volume. Throw your little meal into a blender with 2 T of water, and blend it up. Now measure it. How much is it REALLY? 3 oz? 4 oz? (1/2 C?) No, you don't have to eat it. You just need to SEE it to get perspective on how much it really is.
   — vitalady

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