I'm 12 post op and on a soft diet...I don't like seafood or chicken

I have eaten mashed potatos, backed potato, cream of wheat, oatmeal, soup. The Dr's office said that I could have fish and chicken, I have to problems with that. 1. I have never and I mean never liked any type of seafood. 2. I hear that chicken makes people sick after surgery. I had lap Rny. Thank you.    — Heather C. (posted on March 12, 2001)

March 12, 2001
Hi Heather, I am six weeks post op..but have been on a regular diet (with exception of red meat) for 3 weeks now. I have had no problems with chicken at all. It has become my staple. What about tuna, cottage cheese, chicken spread (with a little mayo), eggs, small pieces of bannana, just some ideas..also crackers work well for me..but I tryto top them with protien. Hope this helps.
   — Eva C.

March 13, 2001
Heather I thought the same thing about chicken...and I was fearful about trying it, but I did anyway....I started off with gound turkey, ground chicken...and chewed it really problems. Then I just roasted the chicken, and ate the dark meat...its not so problems....I ate chicken from the chicken soups....still no I eat whatever chicken I want..never had any problems with it. Also pork, and yes, beef...but I don't eat too much of that, I am a chicken, pork, shrimp girl, myself! If chicken bothers you, try some refried beans on a baked tortilla chip with some melted cheese...a few of these will most likely make you a happy camper! You will not know what bothers you until you try you know, everyone is'll find out just how many variety of things will work for you...and if it dosen't now, try again after a week or two...things have a habit of changing. Good luck
   — lynne S.

March 13, 2001
Heather...I thought certain foods were effecting me until I found out that it wasn't the food I was eating, it was how fast I was eating. When I started sitting down, relaxing, taking very small bites that I bite for a long time, and took a long time to eat, I found none of the foods were bothering me.
   — Debora H.

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